Estimote / iOS-Indoor-SDK

Estimote Indoor SDK for iOS
MIT License
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My sad experience with Estimote Location UWB Beacon. #36

Open dimakuzov opened 4 years ago

dimakuzov commented 4 years ago

I am a mobile app developer and my customer wanted to use an indoor navigation. Estimote Location UWB Beacon were chosen because of the many repositories on their github, which should help to customize these devices to your needs.

I tested 4 repositories: Unity3D-Indoor-Example, Android-Indoor-SDK, iOS-Indoor-SDK, Robotics-Indoor-SDK.

  1. To begin with, I had to register these devices manually by chatting off with "estimote" support.

  2. The official indoor map creation app estimote doesn't work. 2020-02-07 6 51 19 PM

  3. Robot navigation can work only 30 minutes! 2020-02-07 6 51 27 PM

  4. Repositories contain many errors. They have not been updated for 2-3 years yet. I cannot remember them all, screenshots with descriptions are below. Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 6 54 43 PM

Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 6 57 09 PM

  1. Support doesn't work on the forum. My post is still unanswered: By mail I got answer: "We can assist with software development. The cost of such a service is around $15,000.”

I hope this note will help you choose beacons from a more responsible manufacturer!