Estimote / iOS-Proximity-SDK

Estimote Proximity SDK for iOS
Apache License 2.0
61 stars 26 forks source link

Failed to verify bitcode in EstimoteBluetoothScanning.framework/ #50

Open pranavpari opened 4 years ago

pranavpari commented 4 years ago

Failed to verify bitcode in EstimoteBluetoothScanning.framework/EstimoteBluetoothScanning: error: Linker option verification failed for bundle /var/folders/1v/l26b51td44743m1zcpvjqvyc0000gn/T/EstimoteBluetoothScanningWX0cVi/EstimoteBluetoothScanning.arm64.xar (unrecognized arguments: -platform_version iOS 10.0.0 13.0.0)

got this error when I tried to archive