Estimote / iOS-Proximity-SDK

Estimote Proximity SDK for iOS
Apache License 2.0
61 stars 26 forks source link

Framework can not be built with xcode 12 (critical) #63

Closed sutee9 closed 2 years ago

sutee9 commented 3 years ago

When building my project with xcode 12, I receive the following errors.

Apple does not allow any more xcode 11 builds since April 26, 2021, and hence this framework is no longer usable for published builds.

error: Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'EstimoteBluetoothScanning.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator. (in target 'Unity-iPhone' from project 'Unity-iPhone')
26: ▸ ❌;  error: Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'EstimoteProximitySDK.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator. (in target 'Unity-iPhone' from project 'Unity-iPhone')
27: ❌;  error: Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'EstimoteBluetoothScanning.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator. (in target 'Unity-iPhone' from project 'Unity-iPhone')
28: ❌;  error: Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'EstimoteProximitySDK.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator. (in target 'Unity-iPhone' from project 'Unity-iPhone')
29: ▸ error: Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'EstimoteBluetoothScanning.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator. (in target 'Unity-iPhone' from project 'Unity-iPhone')
30: ▸ error: Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'EstimoteProximitySDK.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator. (in target 'Unity-iPhone' from project 'Unity-iPhone'
riccardoscambia commented 2 years ago

Any chance that somebody fixes this issue?

sutee9 commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately it seems that Estimote no longer gives a shit about their SDKs. But, after much research I found the following script:

An instruction on how to use it in general (make sure to adapt the paths to your project) can be found at

Using this method, you can strip away the unnecessary variants of this fat framework during the build process and produce a valid build.

riccardoscambia commented 2 years ago

thanks! I ll give it a try!

Touutae-lab commented 2 years ago

@sutee9 so now if we would like to use this library we only can only use Xcode11 swift 5.1 right?