Estimote / iOS-Proximity-SDK

Estimote Proximity SDK for iOS
Apache License 2.0
61 stars 26 forks source link

Cannot detect UWB Beacons on iOS #73

Open davidespano opened 9 months ago

davidespano commented 9 months ago

Hi all,

I am currently trying to run the sample code for getting into the near range of a single UWB beacon. I managed to run the app smoothly on an iPhone 14 through Xcode 14.3.1. I get no errors, but none of the zone events fires.

I cannot detect the beacons with the Estimote APP either, but they work smoothly on the Estimote UWB sample.

The app is so simple I can paste it here

import SwiftUI
import EstimoteProximitySDK

struct ContentView: View {

    @State var proximityObserver: ProximityObserver
    @State var message: String;

        let credentials = CloudCredentials(appID: "dummyID", appToken: "dummyToken")
        proximityObserver = ProximityObserver(credentials: credentials,  onError: { error in
                print("Oops! \(error)")

        message = "Application Started"

    func startLocating(){

        print("Location started")
        let blueberryZone = ProximityZone(tag: "lemon-set-1", range: ProximityRange.near)
        blueberryZone.onEnter = { zoneContext in
            print("Entered near range of tag 'lemon-set-1'. Attachments payload: \(zoneContext.attachments)")
        blueberryZone.onExit = { zoneContext in
            print("Exited near range of tag 'lemon-set-1'. Attachment payload: \(zoneContext.attachments)")

        blueberryZone.onContextChange = { contexts in
            print("Now in range of \(contexts.count) contexts")


    func stopLocating() {

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Image(systemName: "globe")

            Button("Start") {
                self.message = "Started Location Service"
            Button("Stop") {
                self.message = "Stopped Location Service"

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

When running, the app log is

Location started ℹ️Number of devices assigned to "lemon-set-1": 1 ℹ️Fetched tags from Cloud (total: 1) ℹ️Fetched attachments from Cloud (total: 1)

Any help is appreciated.

davidespano commented 9 months ago

After further investigation, I discovered this SDK does not cover UWB devices. Even though the web page describing UWB beacons points you to the "Estimote SDK", the framework supporting UWB devices is not available yet for download. Estimote sends it upon request via email to people buying the kit from the web.