EsupPortail / nginx-auth-cas-lua

CAS authentication for nginx, similar to apache mod-auth-cas
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Logs and authorisation #8

Open Did-IUT51 opened 3 years ago

Did-IUT51 commented 3 years ago


I have two issues with this module :

Thank you for your response.


prigaux commented 3 years ago

I just did a small commit that allows

set $cas_user "";
access_by_lua_block { ngx.var.cas_user = require('cas').forceAuthentication(); }

=> $cas_user can be used in log_format

prigaux commented 3 years ago

As for authorization, it seems you will have to write it in lua...

Did-IUT51 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the logs, it woks fine.

We must map the variable cas_user in the "http section" before the log_format statement : map "" $cas_user { default -; }

I will try to write the authorization part. If it's a success, I will add it to your code.

jamgregory commented 8 months ago

For anyone who comes along to this and would like an authorisation solution, I've written a fairly basic one:

local cas = require('cas')

-- Customise this with the list of users you want to allow
local allowed_users = { "user_a", "user_b", "user_c" }

-- Based on:
local function table_contains(tbl, x)
  for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
    if v == x then
      return true
  return false

local function forceAuthentication()
  -- Delegate general authentication to the CAS module
  cas_user = string.lower(cas.forceAuthentication())

  -- Check if the user is allowed to access this site
  if table_contains(allowed_users, cas_user) then
    return cas_user
    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "User not authorised: " .. cas_user)
    return cas_user

return {
  forceAuthentication = forceAuthentication;

You can then put this alongside the cas.lua file (something like /etc/nginx/lua/cas-allow-users.lua) and then add the following block to nginx:

access_by_lua_block { require('cas-allow-users').forceAuthentication() }

If the user isn't in the list, they see a standard nginx 401 error page, otherwise they are allowed in as before.