Etar-Group / Etar-Calendar

Android open source calendar
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.05k stars 393 forks source link

Added es (Spanish) translation #231

Closed amunizp closed 7 years ago

amunizp commented 7 years ago

I have translated your application into es (Spanish). Here is the xml:

<!-- File "standalone_strings.xml" -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project

     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     You may obtain a copy of the License at

     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     limitations under the License.
     <string name="standalone_app_label">Etar</string>


<!-- File "cm_strings.xml" -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     Copyright (C) 2012-2016 The CyanogenMod Project

     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     You may obtain a copy of the License at

     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
    <!-- read_calendar permission -->
    <string name="on_permission_read_calendar">Has deshabilitado un permiso requerido</string>

    <!-- No maps found in phone -->
    <string name="no_map">No hay app de mapas instalado</string>

    <!-- Toast message displayed when ics file to share an event can't be generated -->
    <string name="error_generating_ics">Problemas encontrados al compartir evento</string>

    <string name="share_label">Compartir</string>

    <!-- Check box label for using custom snooze delays -->
    <string name="preferences_alerts_custom_snooze_delay_title">Recordatorios</string>
    <!-- Summaries for using custom snooze delays -->
    <string name="preferences_alerts_custom_snooze_delay_summary_on">Preguntar por el intervalo de tiempo entre recordatorios en cada recordatorio</string>
    <string name="preferences_alerts_custom_snooze_delay_summary_off">Usar siempre el intervalo de tiempo entre recordatorios por defecto</string>
    <!-- Title of custom snooze delay dialog -->
    <string name="snooze_delay_dialog_title">Intervalo de tiempo</string>
    <!-- List item label for setting the default snooze delay -->
    <string name="preferences_default_snooze_delay_title">Intervalo entre recordatorios</string>
    <!-- Title of dialog for setting the default snooze delay -->
    <string name="preferences_default_snooze_delay_dialog">Intervalo entre recordatorios por defecto</string>
    <!-- Default value for the default snooze delay (in minutes) -->

    <!-- Delete events -->
    <string name="events_delete">Eliminar eventos</string>
    <string name="action_select_all">Seleccionar todo</string>
    <string name="action_select_none">Deseleccionar todo</string>
    <string name="action_delete">Acabado</string>
    <string name="all_events">Todos los Eventos</string>
    <string name="no_events">Ningún evento disponible</string>
    <string name="evt_del_dlg_title">Eliminar eventos?</string>
    <string name="evt_del_dlg_msg_selected">Eventos seleccionados serán eliminados</string>
    <string name="evt_del_dlg_msg_all">Todos los eventos serán eliminados</string>
    <string name="no_events_selected">Ningún evento seleccionado</string>

  <plurals name="events_selected">
    <item quantity="zero">Ningún evento seleccionado</item>
    <item quantity="one">%1$d eventos seleccionados</item>
    <item quantity="other">%1$d eventos seleccionados</item>

    <!-- Label values for the default start page preference. -->
    <string name="default_start_title">Vista de</string>
    <string name="default_start_last">Vista previamente utilizada</string>

    <!-- Sharing calendar event -->
    <string name="cal_share_intent_title">Envía evento a:</string>

    <string name="cal_export_event_sdcard_title">Exporta a tarjeta SD</string>
    <string name="cal_export_succ_msg">Evento exportado satisfactoriamente: %1s</string>
    <string name="cal_import_menu_title">Importar evento</string>
    <string name="cal_nothing_to_import">Nada para importar</string>
    <string name="cal_import_error_msg">Importando a calendario falló</string>
    <string name="cal_pick_ics">Elige un archivo para importar</string>

<!-- File "arrays.xml" -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project

     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     You may obtain a copy of the License at

     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     limitations under the License.

    <!-- Choices for the "Reminder method" spinner.
         These must be kept in sync with the reminder_methods_values array.
         [CHAR LIMIT=10]
    <string-array name="reminder_methods_labels">

    <!-- This maps reminder_methods_labels to internal constants. -->
    <integer-array name="reminder_methods_values" translatable="false">
          <!-- METHOD_ALERT -->
          <!-- METHOD_EMAIL -->
          <!-- METHOD_SMS -->
          <!-- METHOD_ALARM -->

    <!-- Choices for the "Reminder minutes" spinner.
         These must be kept in sync with the reminder_minutes_values array.
         For consistency, the format should match what
         EventViewUtils.constructReminderLabel() generates.  (TODO: eliminate
         this and just generate the list from reminder_minutes_values?)
         [CHAR LIMIT=15]
    <string-array name="reminder_minutes_labels">
        <item>"0 minutos"</item>
        <item>"1 minuto"</item>
        <item>"5 minutos"</item>
        <item>"10 minutos"</item>
        <item>"15 minutos"</item>
        <item>"20 minutos"</item>
        <item>"25 minutos"</item>
        <item>"30 minutos"</item>
        <item>"45 minutos"</item>
        <item>"1 hora"</item>
        <item>"2 horas"</item>
        <item>"3 horas"</item>
        <item>"12 horas"</item>
        <item>"24 horas"</item>
        <item>"2 días"</item>
        <item>"1 semana"</item>

    <integer-array name="reminder_minutes_values" translatable="false">


  <!-- Choices for the "Reminder minutes" spinner in the settings.
         These must be kept in sync with the preferences_default_reminder_values array.
         [CHAR LIMIT=12]
       <string-array name="preferences_default_reminder_labels">
        <item>"0 minutos"</item>
        <item>"1 minuto"</item>
        <item>"5 minutos"</item>
        <item>"10 minutos"</item>
        <item>"15 minutos"</item>
        <item>"20 minutos"</item>
        <item>"25 minutos"</item>
        <item>"30 minutos"</item>
        <item>"45 minutos"</item>
        <item>"1 hora"</item>
        <item>"2 horas"</item>
        <item>"3 horas"</item>
        <item>"12 horas"</item>
        <item>"24 horas"</item>
        <item>"2 días"</item>
        <item>"1 semana"</item>

    <string-array name="preferences_week_start_day_labels">
        <item>"Región predeterminada"</item>

    <string-array name="preferences_days_per_week_labels">
        <item>dos días</item>
        <item>tres días</item>
        <item>cuatro días</item>
        <item>cinco días</item>
        <item>seis días</item>
        <item>siete días</item>

    <string-array name="availability">

    <!-- This maps reminder_methods_labels to internal constants. -->
    <integer-array name="availability_values" translatable="false">
          <!-- Busy -->
          <!-- Available -->
          <!-- Tentative -->

    <string-array name="visibility">

    <string-array name="ordinal_labels">

    <!-- Invitation responses -->
    <string-array name="response_labels1">
        <item>"Sin respuesta"</item>

    <!-- The corresponding indices are defined in -->
    <!-- This is a list of choices displayed when the user deletes an event.
         It only is shown when deleting a recurring event.
    <string-array name="delete_repeating_labels">
        <item>"Solo este evento"</item>
        <item>"Este y otros eventos posteriores"</item>
        <item>"Todos los eventos"</item>

    <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE These values need to correspond to the indices
         defined in>
    <integer-array name="delete_repeating_values">


    <!-- The corresponding indices are defined in -->
    <!-- This is the same array as above (the "delete_repeating_labels" array,
         except that the first element "Only this event" is removed.  This
         array exists to work-around a bug in the CalendarProvider and sync
         code where you can't delete one instance of a repeating event that
         was created on the phone until that event has been synced to the server.
    <string-array name="delete_repeating_labels_no_selected">
        <item>"Este y otros eventos posteriores"</item>
        <item>"Todos los eventos"</item>

    <!-- The corresponding array indices are defined in -->
    <!-- The list of choices displayed in a dialog box when the user wants to
    respond to an invitation that repeats. -->
    <string-array name="change_response_labels">
        <!-- The choice for responding to only one instance of a repeating event -->
        <item>"Solo este evento"</item>
        <!-- The choice for responding to all instances of a repeating event -->
        <item>"Todos los eventos de la serie"</item>

    <!-- Strings for buttons in drop down menu -->
    <string-array name="buttons_list">

    <!-- Experimental options for skipping reminders. [CHAR LIMIT = 37] -->
    <string-array name="preferences_skip_reminders_labels">
        <!-- Default choice -->
        <item>"Solo si se rechaza"</item>
        <!-- Second option, for skipping reminders to events not yet responded to. -->
        <item>"Si se rechaza o no responde"</item>

    <!-- Recurrence picker: How events are to be repeated.  [CHAR LIMIT = 20] -->
    <string-array name="recurrence_freq">
        <item >"REPETIR DIARIAMENTE"</item>
        <item >"REPETIR SEMANALMENTE"</item>
        <item >"REPETIR MENSUALMENTE"</item>
        <item >"REPETIR ANUALMENTE"</item>

    <!-- The following sets of strings describe a monthly recurring event, which will repeat
         on the Nth WEEKDAY of every month. For example, the 3rd Monday of every month, or
         the last Sunday. These are set up like this to resolve any gender-matching issues
         that were present in some languages.
    <!-- Repeat a monthly event on the same nth day of every Sunday. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string-array name="repeat_by_nth_sun">
        <item >"cada primer domingo del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada segundo domingo del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada tercer domingo del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada cuarto domingo del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada último domingo del mes"</item>
    <!-- Repeat a monthly event on the same nth day of every Monday. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string-array name="repeat_by_nth_mon">
        <item >"cada primer lunes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada segundo lunes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada tercer lunes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada cuarto lunes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada último lunes del mes"</item>
    <!-- Repeat a monthly event on the same nth day of every Tuesday. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string-array name="repeat_by_nth_tues">
        <item >"cada primer martes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada segundo martes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada tercer martes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada cuarto martes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada último martes del mes"</item>
    <!-- Repeat a monthly event on the same nth day of every Wednesday. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string-array name="repeat_by_nth_wed">
        <item >"cada primer miércoles del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada segundo miércoles del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada tercer miércoles del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada cuarto miércoles del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada último miércoles del mes"</item>
    <!-- Repeat a monthly event on the same nth day of every Thursday. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string-array name="repeat_by_nth_thurs">
        <item >"cada primer jueves del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada segundo jueves del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada tercer jueves del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada cuarto jueves del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada último jueves del mes"</item>
    <!-- Repeat a monthly event on the same nth day of every Friday. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string-array name="repeat_by_nth_fri">
        <item >"cada primer viernes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada segundo viernes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada tercer viernes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada cuarto viernes del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada último viernes del mes"</item>
    <!-- Repeat a monthly event on the same nth day of every Saturday. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string-array name="repeat_by_nth_sat">
        <item >"cada primer sábado del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada segundo sábado del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada tercer sábado del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada cuarto sábado del mes"</item>
        <item >"cada último sábado del mes"</item>

<!-- File "strings.xml" -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project

     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     You may obtain a copy of the License at

     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
    <!-- This is the label underneath the icon for Calendar -->
    <string name="app_label">"Calendario"</string>

    <!-- Shared Labels. These labels are shared among the activities. -->
    <!-- This is the label for the title or name of an event -->
    <string name="what_label">"Asunto"</string>
    <!-- This is the label for the location of an event -->
    <string name="where_label">"Dónde"</string>
    <!-- This is the label for the time of an event [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="when_label">"Cuándo"</string>
    <!-- This is the label for the timezone of an event [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="timezone_label">"Zona horaria"</string>
    <!-- This is the label for the Guests/Attendees of an event -->
    <string name="attendees_label">"Invitados"</string>
    <!-- Text to show when an event starts on the current day -->
    <string name="today">"Hoy"</string>
    <!-- Text to show when an event starts on the next day -->
    <string name="tomorrow">"Mañana"</string>
    <!-- Text for an event starting on the current day with a start and end time.
         For ex, "Today at 5:00pm-6:00pm" [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="today_at_time_fmt">"Hoy a las &lt;xliff:g id=\"TIME_INTERVAL\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>
    <!-- Text for an event starting on the next day with a start and end time.
         For ex, "Tomorrow at 5:00pm-6:00pm" [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="tomorrow_at_time_fmt">"Mañana a las &lt;xliff:g id=\"TIME_INTERVAL\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>
    <!-- Format string for a date and time description.  For ex:
         "April 19, 2012, 3:00pm - 4:00pm" [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="date_time_fmt">"&lt;xliff:g id=\"DATE\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;, &lt;xliff:g id=\"TIME_INTERVAL\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>

    <!-- Some events repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.  This is the label
         for all the choices about how often an event repeats (including the choice
         of not repeating). -->
    <string name="repeats_label">"Repetición"</string>
    <!-- Title of event when no explicit title is specified by the user -->
    <string name="no_title_label">"(Sin título)"</string>

    <!-- Reminder format strings -->
    <plurals name="Nminutes">
        <!-- This is the label for a 1-minute reminder. -->
        <item quantity="one">"1 minuto"</item>
        <!-- This is the label for 2 or more minutes. The actual number of
             minutes is a parameter. -->
        <item quantity="other">"&lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; minutos"</item>
    <!-- We use the abbreviation "mins" instead of "minutes" to keep the string short.
         This is the number of minutes displayed for a calendar reminder.  For example,
         a reminder of 10 minutes would be displayed as '10 mins'.  The translation
         should use the shortest acceptable abbreviation to save space. -->
    <plurals name="Nmins">
        <!-- This is the label for a 1-minute reminder. -->
        <item quantity="one">"1 minuto"</item>
        <!-- This is the label for 2 or more minutes. The actual number of
             minutes is a parameter. -->
        <item quantity="other">"&lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; minutos"</item>
    <!-- This is the number of hours displayed for a calendar reminder.  For example,
         a reminder of 1 hour would be displayed as '1 hour'.  The translation
         should use the shortest acceptable abbreviation of 'hour' to save space. -->
    <plurals name="Nhours">
        <!-- This is the label for a 1-hour reminder. -->
        <item quantity="one">"1 hora"</item>
        <!-- This is the label for a reminder of 2 or more hours. The actual number of
             hours is a parameter. -->
        <item quantity="other">"&lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; horas"</item>
    <!-- This is the number of days displayed for a calendar reminder.  For example,
         a reminder of 2 days would be displayed as '2 days'.  The translation
         should use the shortest acceptable abbreviation of 'day' to save space. -->
    <plurals name="Ndays">
        <!-- This is the label for a reminder of 1 day. -->
        <item quantity="one">"1 día"</item>
        <!-- This is the label for a reminder of 2 or more days. The actual number of
             days is a parameter. -->
        <item quantity="other">"&lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; días"</item>
    <!-- This is for displaying the week of the year near the date. Eg. "January, 2011 Week 1" -->
    <plurals name="weekN">
        <!-- Label for displaying week of the year for all week values [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
        <item quantity="other">"semana &lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</item>

    <!-- Menu items: -->
    <!-- This is a label on a context menu item. Pressing this menu item to initiate
        syncing of your Calendar data with the server. [CHAR LIMIT=11] -->
    <string name="calendar_refresh">"Actualizar"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a context menu item. Pressing this menu item displays the
         Agenda view. -->

    <!-- This is a label on a context menu item. Pressing this menu item displays the
         Day view. -->
    <string name="show_day_view">"Mostrar día"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item displays the
         Agenda view. -->
    <string name="agenda_view">"Agenda"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item displays the
         Day view. -->
    <string name="day_view">"Día"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item displays the
         Week view. -->
    <string name="week_view">"Semana"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item displays the
         Month view. -->
    <string name="month_view">"Mes"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item displays the
         details of an event. -->
    <string name="event_view">"Ver evento"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item allows the
         user to create a new event. -->
    <string name="event_create">"Nuevo evento"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item in a popup window. Pressing this menu
         item allows the user to edit or change an existing event. -->
    <string name="event_edit">"Editar evento"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item in a popup window. Pressing this menu
         item allows the user to delete an existing event. -->
    <string name="event_delete">"Eliminar evento"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu
         item takes the user to the current day (today) in whatever view
         (Day view, Week view, Agenda view, Month view) they are currently in. -->
    <string name="goto_today">"Hoy"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu
     item opens new dialog shown the date that the user wants to go. -->
    <string name="goto_date">"Ir a..."</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item allows the
         user to see the list of calendars that he is viewing and to then add
         or remove selected calendars. -->

    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item allows the
         user to view and edit his Settings (or Preferences) -->
    <string name="menu_preferences">"Ajustes"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item allows the
         user to select the calendars to display [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="menu_select_visible_calendars">"Calendarios visibles"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item allows the
         user to select the calendars to display [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="search">"Buscar"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item hides
         the navigation controls on the right side. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="hide_controls">"Ocultar controles"</string>
    <!-- This is a label on a menu item. Pressing this menu item shows the
         navigation controls on the right side. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="show_controls">"Mostrar controles"</string>

    <!-- Month view -->

    <!-- Select Visible Calendars activity -->
    <!-- Title of "My calendars" screen -->
    <string name="select_visible_calendars_title">"Calendarios"</string>
    <!-- Synced and visible status message -->

    <!-- Synced but not visible status message -->

    <!-- not Synced or visible status message -->

    <!-- Synced status message displayed when the given calendar is stored/synced on the device
        [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
    <string name="synced">"sincronizado"</string>
    <!-- Not synced status message displayed when the given calendar is not stored/synced on the
        device [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
    <string name="not_synced">"no sincronizado"</string>
    <!-- Message displayed to user when an account with Calendars is not being auto-synced
        [CHAR LIMIT=120]-->
    <string name="acct_not_synced">"Esta cuenta no está sincronizada, por lo que es posible que tus calendarios no estén actualizados."</string>
    <!-- Label on button that takes user to the Accounts and Sync settings page [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
    <string name="accounts">"Cuentas y sincronización"</string>

    <!-- Select Synced Calendars activity -->
    <!-- Select the set of calendars to sync [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
    <string name="select_synced_calendars_title">"Calendarios para sincronizar"</string>
    <!-- Select the set of calendars to sync [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
    <string name="select_synced_calendars_button">"Calendarios para sincronizar"</string>

    <!-- Event edit activity -->
    <!-- The title of the screen where the user edits an event [CHAR LIMIT=17] -->

    <!-- Default value of What field (as a hint to the user) [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
    <string name="hint_what">"Nombre del evento"</string>
    <!-- Default value of Where field (as a hint to the user)[CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
    <string name="hint_where">"Ubicación"</string>
    <!-- Default value of Description field (as a hint to the user) [CHAR LIMIT=15]-->
    <string name="hint_description">"Descripción"</string>
    <!-- Default value of Attendees/Guests field (as a hint to the user) [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
    <string name="hint_attendees">"Invitados"</string>
    <!-- Toast message displayed when a new event is created -->
    <string name="creating_event">"Evento creado"</string>
    <!-- Toast message displayed when an existing event is saved after being modified -->
    <string name="saving_event">"Evento guardado"</string>
    <!-- Toast message displayed when a new event was not saved because it was empty [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="empty_event">"Evento vacío no creado"</string>
    <!-- Toast message displayed when a new event with guests is created -->
    <string name="creating_event_with_guest">"Se enviarán las invitaciones."</string>
    <!-- Toast message displayed when an existing event with guests is saved after being modified -->
    <string name="saving_event_with_guest">"Se enviarán las actualizaciones."</string>

    <!-- Toast message displayed responding to an event from an email as accepted
     [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    <string name="rsvp_accepted">"Respondió si."</string>
    <!-- Toast message displayed responding to an event from an email as tentative
     [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    <string name="rsvp_tentative">"Respondió quizás."</string>
    <!-- Toast message displayed responding to an event from an email as declined
     [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    <string name="rsvp_declined">"Respondió no."</string>

    <!-- Title of message displayed to indicate available calendars are being loaded when creating
         a new event -->

    <!-- Body of message displayed to indicate available calendars are being loaded when creating
         a new event -->

    <!-- Create event dialog -->
    <!-- Create event dialog save button [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
    <string name="create_event_dialog_save">"Guardar"</string>

    <!-- The alert toast is not actually being displayed for some reason. -->
    <!-- the title of the alert/notification activity -->
    <string name="alert_title">"Notificaciones de Calendar"</string>
    <!-- Notification window messages: -->

    <!-- Event info/edit screen labels:-->
    <!-- This is the title of the screen used to view the details of an event -->
    <string name="event_info_title">"Ver evento"</string>
    <!-- This is the title of the screen used to view the details of an invitation
         to a meeting or event -->
    <string name="event_info_title_invite">"Invitación a un evento"</string>

    <!-- EditEventActivity specific strings: -->
    <!-- Events have a start date/time and an end date/time. The display shows
         the start and end times like 'From start date To end date'. This is the
         label before the 'end date'. -->
    <string name="edit_event_to_label">"Hasta"</string>
    <!-- Events have a start date/time and an end date/time. The display shows
         the start and end times like 'From start date To end date'. This is the
         label before the 'start date'. -->
    <string name="edit_event_from_label">"Desde"</string>
    <!-- Check box label that specifies if this is an all-day event -->
    <string name="edit_event_all_day_label">"Todo el día"</string>
    <!-- Label for choosing one of the calendars -->
    <string name="edit_event_calendar_label">"Calendario"</string>
    <!-- Menu item to show all choices [CHAR LIMIT=22]-->
    <string name="edit_event_show_all">"Mostrar todo"</string>
    <!-- Label for the event description -->
    <string name="description_label">"Descripción"</string>
    <!-- Label for the 'Presence' of an event, which can be either 'busy' (the default)
         or 'available'  [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
    <string name="presence_label">"Mostrarme como"</string>
    <!-- Label for the 'Privacy' of an event, which can be either 'private'
         or 'public' [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
    <string name="privacy_label">"Privacidad"</string>
    <!-- Label for the list of reminders for an event [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="reminders_label">"Añadir recordatorio"</string>
    <!-- Title of alert shown if the user tries to create an event and has no calendars -->
    <string name="no_syncable_calendars">"No hay calendarios."</string>
    <!-- Body of alert shown if the user tries to create an event and has no calendars. Users can start adding an account here. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="no_calendars_found">"Para añadir eventos, añade al menos una cuenta de Calendar al dispositivo y haz visible un calendario. Para ello, toca Añadir cuenta (si ya lo has hecho, espera a que finalice la sincronización y vuelve a intentarlo). También puedes tocar Cancelar y comprobar que al menos un calendario sea visible."</string>
    <!-- Body of dialog prompting the user to create an account.[CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="create_an_account_desc">"La aplicación Calendario funciona mejor con una cuenta.\"\n
    \"• Accede a tu calendario desde cualquier navegador web.\"\n
    \"• Haz copias de seguridad de tus eventos de forma segura."</string>
    <!-- Title of a button shown when there is no account available and the system prompt a user to add one. [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
    <string name="add_account">"Añadir cuenta"</string>

    <!-- View Event -->
    <!-- Label for which calendar an event is part of -->
    <string name="view_event_calendar_label">"Calendario:"</string>
    <!-- Label for the event organizer -->
    <string name="view_event_organizer_label">"Organizador:"</string>
    <!-- Label for the local timezone -->

    <!-- Label for showing event color picker -->
    <string name="choose_event_color_label">"Seleccionar color del evento"</string>
    <!-- Title for event color picker dialog -->
    <string name="event_color_picker_dialog_title">"Color del evento"</string>
    <!-- Label for button which sets event color to default calendar color -->
    <string name="event_color_set_to_default">"Cambiar a color predeterminado del calendario"</string>

    <!-- Title for calendar color picker dialog -->
    <string name="calendar_color_picker_dialog_title">"Color del calendario"</string>
    <!-- Description for calendar color squares, which bring up the color picker. -->
    <string name="calendar_square_color_picker_description">"Selector de color"</string>

    <!-- Label for whether the user is attending this event. This is shown when
         a user is invited to a meeting or event.  The possible answers are
         'yes', 'no', and 'maybe' (and, initially, 'no response'). -->
    <string name="view_event_response_label">"¿Asistirás?"</string>
    <!-- Response for whether attending an event - accepted [CHAR LIMIT=10]-->
    <string name="response_yes">"Sí"</string>
    <!-- Response for whether attending an event - tentative [CHAR LIMIT=10]-->
    <string name="response_maybe">"Quizás"</string>
    <!-- Response for whether attending an event - declined [CHAR LIMIT=10]-->
    <string name="response_no">"No"</string>
    <!-- Label for emailing attendees -->
    <string name="email_guests_label">"Escribir a invitados"</string>
    <!-- Label for emailing the organizer (when there are no attendees) -->
    <string name="email_organizer_label">"Escribir al organizador"</string>
    <!-- This is shown in the popup picker when emailing attendees -->
    <string name="email_picker_label">"Correo electrónico con"</string>
    <!-- The is shown in the email subject as the prefix appended to the event title -->
    <!-- Toast message displayed when the event id was not found LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="event_not_found">"No se ha encontrado el evento."</string>

    <!-- Notification label for getting a map of the location. -->
    <string name="map_label">"Mapa"</string>
    <!-- Notification label for calling a phone number in the location. -->
    <string name="call_label">"Llamar"</string>

    <!-- Title of the quick response item in Settings [CHAR LIMIT=18]-->
    <string name="quick_response_settings">"Respuestas rápidas"</string>
    <!-- Summary of the quick response item in Settings [CHAR LIMIT=80]-->
    <string name="quick_response_settings_summary">"Editar respuestas predeterminadas al enviar correos electrónicos a los invitados"</string>
    <!-- Title of the quick response screen in Settings->Quick Response [CHAR LIMIT=27]-->
    <string name="quick_response_settings_title">"Editar respuestas rápidas"</string>
    <!-- Title of the quick response item in Settings [CHAR LIMIT=18]-->
    <string name="quick_response_settings_edit_title">"Respuesta rápida"</string>

    <!-- Title of the dialog prompting the user choose a response when emailing guests  [CHAR LIMIT=none]-->
    <string name="quick_response_dialog_title">"Seleccionar respuesta rápida"</string>
    <!-- Error to user when an email program can't be found[CHAR LIMIT=none]-->
    <string name="quick_response_email_failed">"Error al buscar un programa de correo electrónico"</string>
    <!-- The is shown in the email subject as the prefix appended to the event title [CHAR LIMIT=none]-->
    <string-array name="quick_response_defaults">
        <item>"Llego un par de minutos tarde"</item>
        <item>"Llegaré en unos diez minutos"</item>
        <item>"Empezad sin mí"</item>
        <item>"No puedo, mejor en otro momento"</item>
    <!-- Option to create a custom response instead of using defaults [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
    <string name="quick_response_custom_msg">"Escribe tu propia respuesta…"</string>

    <!-- Event Info strings-->
    <!-- Time Zone Label [CHAR LIMIT=12]-->

    <!-- Repetition Label [CHAR LIMIT=12]-->

    <!-- Organizer Label [CHAR LIMIT=12]-->
    <string name="event_info_organizer">"Organizador:"</string>
    <!-- Reminders label [CHAR LIMIT=15]-->
    <string name="event_info_reminders_label">"Recordatorios"</string>

    <!-- Agenda View strings -->
    <!-- This is shown as part of the heading at the top of a list of today's events. -->
    <string name="agenda_today">"hoy, &lt;xliff:g id=\"DATE\" &gt;%1$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>
    <!-- This is shown as part of the heading at the top of a list of today's events. -->
    <string name="agenda_yesterday">"ayer, &lt;xliff:g id=\"DATE\" &gt;%1$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>
    <!-- This is shown as part of the heading at the top of a list of today's events. -->
    <string name="agenda_tomorrow">"mañana (&lt;xliff:g id=\"DATE\" &gt;%1$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;)"</string>
    <!-- This is shown while the calendar events are being loading to the screen. -->
    <string name="loading">"Cargando..."</string>
    <!-- This is shown at the top of the agenda view showing the beginning of the searched range. If the user taps on this string and Calendar will find events older than what is visible and display them to the user -->
    <string name="show_older_events">"Tocar para ver eventos anteriores al &lt;xliff:g id=\"OLDEST_SEARCH_RANGE\" &gt;%1$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>
    <!-- This is shown at the bottom of the agenda view showing the end of the searched range. If the user taps on this string and Calendar will find events later/newer than what is visible and display them to the user -->
    <string name="show_newer_events">"Tocar para ver eventos posteriores al &lt;xliff:g id=\"NEWEST_SEARCH_RANGE\" &gt;%1$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>

    <!-- Search activity strings -->
    <!-- Title of the search screen [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="search_title">"Buscar en mis calendarios"</string>

    <!-- Button labels: -->
    <!-- This is the title of a popup window that is displayed when the user
         edits a repeating event. [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
    <string name="edit_event_label">"Detalles"</string>
    <!-- This is a menu button for switching into edit mode when viewing an event.
        [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
    <string name="edit_label">"Editar"</string>
    <!-- The button label for deleting an event -->
    <string name="delete_label">"Eliminar"</string>
    <!-- A menu item for deleting an event -->

    <!-- The button label for saving an event -->
    <string name="save_label">"Listo"</string>
    <!-- The button label for discarding changes to an event -->
    <string name="discard_label">"Cancelar"</string>

    <!-- Button labels on expanded notification reminders: -->
    <!-- The button label for making the reminder alarms go away temporarily.
         The reminder alarms will fire off again in 5 minutes. -->
    <string name="snooze_all_label">"Posponer recordatorios"</string>
    <!-- The button label for dismissing all the current reminder alarms. This
         causes them to disappear from the notification screen. -->
    <string name="dismiss_all_label">"Descartar todo"</string>
    <!-- The button label for making the reminder alarms go away temporarily
         and re-fire in 5 minutes. [CHAR LIMIT=12]-->
    <string name="snooze_label">"Posponer"</string>

    <!-- Repetition dialog options: -->
    <!-- A label in a multiple-choice list for the specifying that an event does
         not repeat -->
    <string name="does_not_repeat">"Evento único"</string>
    <!-- Part of a description of an repeating event. This part states the date when a repeating
         event ends. The part before the semi-colon describes how it repeats.
         e.g. Every 2 weeks; until 1/1/2030 [CHAR LIMIT=21] -->
    <string name="endByDate">"; hasta &lt;xliff:g id=\"DATE\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>
    <!-- Part of a description of an repeating event. This part how many times the event repeats.
         The part before the semi-colon describes how it repeats.
         e.g. Every 2 weeks; for 15 times [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
    <plurals name="endByCount">
        <item quantity="one">"; una vez"</item>
        <item quantity="other">"; &lt;xliff:g id=\"NUMBER\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; veces"</item>
    <!-- A description for an event that repeats daily. For example, Every 2 days [CHAR LIMIT=15]-->
    <plurals name="daily">
        <item quantity="one">"Diariamente"</item>
        <item quantity="other">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"NUMBER\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; días"</item>
    <!-- A label in a multiple-choice list for the specifying that an event
         repeats every weekday (Monday through Friday) -->
    <string name="every_weekday">"Cada día laborable (lunes-viernes)"</string>
    <!-- A description for an event that repeats weekly on some day of the week. For example,
         'Weekly on Tuesday' or Every 2 weeks on Monday, Tuesday.  [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
    <plurals name="weekly">
        <item quantity="one">"Semanalmente el &lt;xliff:g id=\"DAYS_OF_WEEK\" &gt;%2$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</item>
        <item quantity="other">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"NUMBER\" &gt;%1$d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; semanas el &lt;xliff:g id=\"DAYS_OF_WEEK\" &gt;%2$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</item>

    <!-- The common portion of a string describing how often an event repeats,
         example: 'Monthly (on day 2)' -->
    <string name="monthly">"Mensualmente"</string>
    <!-- Calendar spinner item, to select that an event recurs every year. -->
    <string name="yearly_plain">"Anualmente"</string>
    <!-- Example: "Monthly (on day 15)" -->
    <string name="monthly_on_day">"Cada mes (el día &lt;xliff:g id=\"DAY_OF_MONTH\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;)"</string>
    <!-- Example: "Yearly (on April 15)" -->
    <string name="yearly">"Cada año (el &lt;xliff:g id=\"DATES\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;)"</string>
    <!-- This is a label for telling the user that this event repeats in
         custom (non-standard) way from the usual repeat rates (such as daily,
         weekly, etc.) and that the user cannot change this on the phone
         (but only on the web). -->

    <!-- This is a label for telling the user that this event repeats in
         custom (non-standard) way from the usual repeat rates (such as daily,
         weekly, etc.) and that the user cannot change this on the phone
         (but only on the web). -->
    <string name="custom" product="default">"Personalizar (no se puede personalizar en el teléfono)"</string>

    <!-- This is a choice in a list that the user sees when he tries to modify
         a repeating event.  This choice says to change just this one instance
         of this repeating event. -->
    <string name="modify_event">"Cambiar solo este evento"</string>
    <!-- This is a choice in a list that the user sees when he tries to modify
         a repeating event.  This choice says to change all occurrences of
         this repeating event. -->
    <string name="modify_all">"Cambiar todos los eventos de la serie"</string>
    <!-- This is a choice in a list that the user sees when he tries to modify
         a repeating event.  This choice says to change this instance and all
         future occurrences of this repeating event. -->
    <string name="modify_all_following">"Cambiar este y todos los eventos posteriores"</string>

    <!-- Dialogs -->

    <!-- This is a label on the dialog for creating a new event. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="new_event_dialog_label">"Nuevo evento"</string>
    <!-- This is the button to create a new event in a dialog window. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="new_event_dialog_option">"Nuevo evento"</string>
    <!-- Confirmation dialog message -->
    <!-- This is a confirmation message in a popup dialog that appears when the
         user has asked to delete an event. The user still has a chance to cancel
         this operation. -->
    <string name="delete_this_event_title">"¿Eliminar este evento?"</string>
    <!-- This is a confirmation message in a popup dialog that appears when the
         user has asked to delete an event that is recurring. The user still has a chance to cancel
         this operation. -->
    <string name="delete_recurring_event_title">"¿Quieres eliminar &lt;xliff:g id=\"EVENTTITLE\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;?"</string>
    <!-- This is the title of a popup dialog that asks for confirmation before
         changing the response to an invitation. -->
    <string name="change_response_title">"Cambiar respuesta"</string>

    <!-- This the title of a menu for General Preferences.
         Pressing the menu item lets user to view and edit his general settings
         (or preferences) [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="menu_general_preferences">"Ajustes generales"</string>

    <!-- This the title of a menu for "About Calendar" Preferences.
         Pressing the menu item lets user to view the current settings
         [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="menu_about_preferences">"Acerca de Calendario"</string>

    <!-- This is the title of the screen for setting user preferences. -->
    <string name="preferences_title">"Ajustes"</string>
    <!-- This is the title of a section in the Settings screen for settings
         related to viewing calendar events -->
    <string name="preferences_general_title">"Configuración de la vista de calendario"</string>
    <!-- This is the title of a section in the Settings screen for settings
         related to reminders for calendar events -->
    <string name="preferences_theme">Tema</string>
    <string name="preferences_light_theme">Claro</string>
    <string name="preferences_dark_theme">Oscuro</string>
    <string name="preferences_reminder_title">"Notificaciones y recordatorios"</string>
    <!-- Settings check box label to hide events that the user has declined to attend -->
    <string name="preferences_hide_declined_title">"Ocultar eventos rechazados"</string>
    <!-- Settings week start label to start week on specific day-->
    <string name="preferences_week_start_day_title">"La semana empieza el"</string>
    <!-- Title of popup for week start day setting-->
    <string name="preferences_week_start_day_dialog">"La semana empieza el"</string>
    <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE -->
    <string name="preferences_week_start_day_default">-1</string>

    <string name="preferences_days_per_week_title">Días por semana</string>
    <string name="preferences_days_per_week_dialog">Días por semana</string>
    <string name="preferences_days_per_week_default">Siete</string>

    <!-- Title of the settings item to clear the recent search history [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    <string name="preferences_clear_search_history_title">"Borrar historial de búsqueda"</string>
    <!-- Summary of the settings item to clear the recent search history [CHAR LIMIT=70]-->
    <string name="preferences_clear_search_history_summary">"Eliminar todas las búsquedas anteriores"</string>
    <!-- Message to show in a toast when the history is cleared [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    <string name="search_history_cleared">"Se ha borrado el historial de búsqueda."</string>
    <!-- Settings check box label to enable or disable notifications -->
    <string name="preferences_alerts_title">"Notificaciones"</string>
    <!-- Settings dialog label that specifies when the phone should vibrate -->
    <string name="preferences_alerts_vibrateWhen_title">"Vibrar"</string>
    <!-- The old value for enabling vibration. used only for migrating -->
    <!-- Title of ringtone selector dialog -->
    <string name="preferences_alerts_ringtone_title">"Sonido"</string>
    <!-- Title of check box label to enable or disable pop-up notifications -->
    <string name="preferences_alerts_popup_title">"Notificación emergente"</string>
    <!-- List item label for setting the default number of reminder minutes -->
    <string name="preferences_default_reminder_title">"Antelación del recordatorio"</string>
    <!-- Title of dialog for setting the default number of reminder minutes -->
    <string name="preferences_default_reminder_dialog">"Antelación del recordatorio"</string>
    <!-- Default value for the number of reminder minutes -->
    <string name="preferences_default_reminder_default">"10"</string>
    <!-- Settings check box label to keep Calendar in a fixed 'home' time zone [CHAR LIMIT = 18] -->
    <string name="preferences_use_home_tz_title">"Usar hora local"</string>
    <!-- Settings description of what setting Calendar to use a fixed 'home' time
        zone does [CHAR LIMIT = 60]-->
    <string name="preferences_use_home_tz_descrip">"Mostrar calendarios y eventos en la hora local al viajar"</string>
    <!-- Settings title for selecting a 'home' time zone to display Calendar in [CHAR LIMIT = 18] -->
    <string name="preferences_home_tz_title">"Zona horaria local"</string>
    <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE -->
    <string name="preferences_home_tz_default">America/Los_Angeles</string>

    <!-- Title of the settings item to show week number in week view [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    <string name="preferences_show_week_num_title">"Mostrar número de semana"</string>

    <!-- This is the title of a section in the Settings screen for "About" this application -->
    <string name="preferences_about_title">"Acerca de"</string>
    <!-- Build version of the application -->
    <string name="preferences_build_version">"Versión de la compilación"</string>

    <!-- Widget -->
    <!-- Title for calendar gadget when displayed in list of all other gadgets -->
    <string name="gadget_title">"Calendario"</string>

    <!-- Shown in month view next to event icon when additional events exist for that day, but no
        room remaining -->
    <plurals name="month_more_events">
        <!-- additional events message for 1 event, the quotes force a literal interpretation of the
            string [CHAR LIMIT = 10] -->
        <item quantity="one">"+1"</item>
        <!-- additional events message for multiple events [CHAR LIMIT = 10] -->
        <item quantity="other">"+&lt;xliff:g id=\"NUMBER\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</item>

    <!-- Caption to show on gadget when there are no upcoming calendar events -->
    <string name="gadget_no_events">"No hay futuros eventos en el calendario."</string>

    <!-- Text to show on gadget when an event is currently in progress -->

    <!-- Text to show on gadget when an all-day event is in progress -->

    <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE -->
    <string name="tardis">TARDIS</string>

    <!-- Experimental settings [CHAR LIMIT = 30]-->
    <string name="preferences_experimental_category">"Experimental"</string>

    <!-- Reminders settings [CHAR LIMIT = 30]-->
    <string name="preferences_reminders_category">"Recordatorios"</string>
    <!-- Preference label for when to skip reminders [CHAR LIMIT = 25] -->
    <string name="preferences_reminders_responded_label">"Omitir recordatorios"</string>
    <!-- Dialog title for when to skip reminders [CHAR LIMIT = 25] -->
    <string name="preferences_reminders_responded_dialog">"Omitir recordatorios"</string>
    <!-- Preference label for quiet hours [CHAR LIMIT = 25]-->
    <string name="preferences_reminders_quiet_hours_label">"Horas de silencio"</string>
    <!-- Preference description for quiet hours [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="preferences_reminders_quiet_hours_description">"Silenciar recordatorios de eventos durante un tiempo especificado"</string>
    <!-- Preference label for quiet hours start time [CHAR LIMIT = 25]-->
    <string name="preferences_reminders_quiet_hours_start">"Inicio horas de silencio"</string>
    <!-- Preference label for quiet hours end time [CHAR LIMIT = 25]-->
    <string name="preferences_reminders_quiet_hours_end">"Final horas de silencio"</string>

    <!-- Preferences used for debugging purposes [CHAR LIMIT = 30]-->
    <string name="preferences_debug_category">"Depuración"</string>

    <!-- Send a copy of the database to developers for debugging [CHAR LIMIT="NONE"] -->
    <string name="copy_db">"Enviar base de datos"</string>

    <!-- Displayed in email address autocomplete list when searching for contacts
         in corporate directories. Example:  "Searching" [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
    <string name="directory_searching_fmt">"Buscando &lt;xliff:g id=\"DOMAIN\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;…"</string>

    <!-- Accessibility Events -->
    <!-- Strings that describes actions for buttons without text -->
    <!-- Create a new calendar event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->

    <!-- Remove a name of an attendee from a calendar event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_remove_attendee">"Eliminar asistente"</string>
    <!-- Pick a starting date for a new event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_pick_start_date">"Fecha de inicio"</string>
    <!-- Pick a starting time for a new event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_pick_start_time">"Hora de inicio"</string>
    <!-- Pick the ending date for a new event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_pick_end_date">"Fecha de finalización"</string>
    <!-- Pick the ending time for a new event[CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_pick_end_time">"Hora de finalización"</string>
    <!-- Select a time zone for a new event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_pick_time_zone">"Zona horaria"</string>
    <!-- Select a time zone for a new event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_pick_recurrence">"Repetir evento"</string>
    <!-- Add a reminder to an event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_add_reminder">"Añadir recordatorio"</string>
    <!-- Remove a reminder from an event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_remove_reminder">"Eliminar recordatorio"</string>
    <!-- Add a new attendee to an event [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_add_attendee">"Añadir asistente"</string>
    <!-- Choose if to sync/unsync this calendar with its server [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_sync_cal">"Sincronizar calendario"</string>
    <!-- Mark this event as an "all day event" [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_all_day">"Todo el día"</string>
    <!-- Refresh the data in the calendar [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->

    <!-- Choose the type of repetition for the event (daily, weekly, etc.[CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_repeats">"Repetición"</string>
    <!-- Set the time for the reminder[CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_reminder_time">"Duración del recordatorio"</string>
    <!-- Set the type of the reminder (popup/email/sms)[CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_reminder_type">"Tipo de recordatorio"</string>
    <!-- Select the way you are visible for the event (busy/free) [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_reminder_showmeas">"Mostrarme como"</string>
    <!-- Set the event as private/public/default [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_reminder_privacy">"Privacidad"</string>
    <!-- Calendar notification [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="acessibility_cal_notification">"Notificación de Calendar"</string>
    <!-- Calendar notification snooze button [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="acessibility_snooze_notification">"Posponer notificación"</string>
    <!-- Calendar notification email button [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="accessibility_email_notification">"Escribir a invitados"</string>

    <!-- A "new event" hint for the user when selecting a specific hour in the day view [CHAR LIMIT = 30]-->
    <string name="day_view_new_event_hint">"Añadir evento"</string>

      Source: A value for announcing the current event index (example: "Event 2 of 6").
      Description: This is spoken to the user. [CHAR LIMIT="NONE"]
    <string name="template_announce_item_index">"Evento &lt;xliff:g id=\"ITEM_INDEX\" &gt;%1$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt; de &lt;xliff:g id=\"ITEM_COUNT\" &gt;%2$s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>

        <!-- number of events in the notification bar -->
    <plurals name="Nevents">
        <!-- This is the label for a 1 event. -->
        <item quantity="one">"1 evento"</item>
        <!-- This is the label for 2 or more events. -->
        <item quantity="other">"&lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; eventos"</item>

    <!-- number of remaining events for an alert digest in the notification bar [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
    <plurals name="N_remaining_events">
        <!-- This is the label for 1 event. -->
        <item quantity="one">"+1 evento"</item>
        <!-- This is the label for 2 or more events. -->
        <item quantity="other">"+&lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; eventos"</item>

    <!-- Description of the selected marker for accessibility support [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="acessibility_selected_marker_description">"Evento seleccionado"</string>

    <!-- Tell user not to check a checkbox [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    <string name="do_not_check">"NO seleccionar ->"</string>

    <!-- Dialog title for recurrence picker for configuring a repeating event[CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="recurrence_dialog_title">"Repetir"</string>
    <!-- Dialog title for recurrence picker when one-time event is selected [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="recurrence_dialog_title_never">"No se repite"</string>

    <!-- Strings to describe how frequently to repeat an event (e.g. every 5 days) -->
    <plurals name="recurrence_interval_daily">
        <!-- Singular form [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
        <item quantity="one">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; día"</item>
        <!-- Plural form [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
        <item quantity="other">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; días"</item>
    <!-- Strings to describe how frequently to repeat an event (e.g. every 5 weeks) -->
    <plurals name="recurrence_interval_weekly">
        <!-- Singular form [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
        <item quantity="one">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; semana"</item>
        <!-- Plural form [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
        <item quantity="other">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; semanas"</item>
    <!-- Strings to describe how frequently to repeat an event (e.g. every 5 months) -->
    <plurals name="recurrence_interval_monthly">
        <!-- Singular form [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
        <item quantity="one">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; mes"</item>
        <!-- Plural form [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
        <item quantity="other">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; meses"</item>
    <!-- Strings to describe how frequently to repeat an event (e.g. every 5 years) -->
    <plurals name="recurrence_interval_yearly">
        <!-- Singular form [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
        <item quantity="one">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; año"</item>
        <!-- Plural form [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
        <item quantity="other">"Cada &lt;xliff:g id=\"COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; años"</item>

    <!-- Repeat an monthly event on the same day of every month [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="recurrence_month_pattern_by_day">"el mismo día de cada mes"</string>

    <!-- Specifies that a repeating event to repeat forever (based on the defined frequency) instead of ending at a future date[CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="recurrence_end_continously">"Siempre"</string>
    <!-- Specifies that a repeating event to repeat until a certain date[CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    <string name="recurrence_end_date_label">"Hasta una fecha"</string>
    <!-- Specifies that a repeating event to repeat until a certain date[CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="recurrence_end_date">"Hasta el &lt;xliff:g id=\"DATE\" &gt;%s&lt;/xliff:g&gt;"</string>
    <!-- Specifies that a repeating event to repeat for a number of times. A repeating event can repeat forever, repeat in a certain frequency until a certain date, or repeat for a number of times. e.g. repeat 10 times and stop. This string is for the last case [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    <string name="recurrence_end_count_label">"Para un número de eventos"</string>

    <!-- Specifies that a repeating event should repeat for a certain number of iterations. [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
    <plurals name="recurrence_end_count">
        <item quantity="one">"Para &lt;xliff:g id=\"EVENT_COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; evento"</item>
        <item quantity="other">"Para &lt;xliff:g id=\"EVENT_COUNT\" &gt;%d&lt;/xliff:g&gt; eventos"</item>

    <!-- Description of the selected marker for accessibility support [CHAR LIMIT = NONE]-->
    <string name="acessibility_recurrence_choose_end_date_description">"cambiar fecha de finalización"</string>

    <!-- Do Not Translate.  Sender identity for global notification synchronization. -->

    <string name="user_rejected_calendar_write_permission">Etar requiere permisos para leer y escribir en el calendario para que funcione adecuadamente. Por favor intenté de nuevo.</string>
    <string name="calendar_permission_not_granted">Lamentamos que esta</string>

Translation made with Stringlate.

amunizp commented 7 years ago

Tried pull request but for some reason failed. Is it the master branch?