# Do you want to change the plugin settings?
# Whether the player after entering the server should receive information about the new version of the plugin?
receiveUpdates: true
# The length of time the combat is to last
combatLogTime: "20s"
# Combat log notification type, available types: ACTION_BAR, CHAT, TITLE, SUBTITLE
combatNotificationType: "ACTION_BAR"
# Blocked commands that the player will not be able to use during combat
- "gamemode"
- "tp"
# Block the opening of inventory?
blockingInventories: true
# Whether to block the placement of blocks?
blockPlace: true
# From which level should place blocks be blocked?
blockPlaceLevel: 40
# Should the option below be enabled?
enableDamageCauses: true
# After what type of damage the player should get a combat log?
# You can find a list of all stocks here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.html
# If you don't want the combatlog to be given to players for a certain damage type, simply remove it from this list
- "LAVA"
- "FIRE"
# Do you want to change the plugin messages?
# Do you want to change the admin messages?
# Message sent when the configuration is reloaded
reload: "&aConfiguration has been successfully reloaded!"
# Message sent when console tries to use a command that is only for players
onlyForPlayers: "&cThis command is only available to players!"
# Message sent to admin when they tag a player
adminTagPlayer: "&7You have tagged &e{PLAYER}"
# Message sent when a player is tagged by an admin
adminTagPlayerMultiple: "&7You have tagged &e{FIRST_PLAYER}&7 and &e{SECOND_PLAYER}&7."
# Message sent to admin when they remove a player from combat
adminUnTagPlayer: "&7You have removed &e{PLAYER}&7 from the fight."
# Message sent when the player is not in combat
adminPlayerIsNoInCombat: "&cThis player is not in combat!"
# Message sent when the player is in combat
playerInCombat: "&c{PLAYER} is in the middle of a fight!"
# Message sent when a player is not in combat
adminPlayerNotInCombat: "&a{PLAYER} is not in combat"
# Message sent when admin tries to tag themselves
adminCantTagSelf: "&cYou cannot tag yourself!"
# Combat log message format, eg. on the actionbar (you can use {TIME} variable to display the time left in combat
combatFormat: "&dCombat ends in: &f{TIME}"
# Message sent when the player does not have permission to perform a command
noPermission: "&cYou don't have permission to perform this command!"
# Message sent when the player is not in combat
cantFindPlayer: "&cThe specified player could not be found!"
# Message sent when the player enter to combat
tagPlayer: "&cYou are in combat, do not leave the server!"
# Message sent when the player leave combat
unTagPlayer: "&aYou are no longer in combat! You can safely leave the server."
# This is broadcast when the player is in combat and logs out
playerLoggedInCombat: "&c{PLAYER} logged off during the fight!"
# Message sent when the player is in combat and tries to use a disabled command
# you can configure the list of disabled commands in the blockedCommands section of the config.yml file
cantUseCommand: "&cUsing this command during combat is prohibited!"
# Message sent when player tries to use a command with invalid arguments
invalidUsage: "&7Correct usage: &e{USAGE}."
# Message sent when player tries to open inventory, but the inventory open is blocked
inventoryBlocked: "&cYou cannot open this inventory during combat!"
# Message sent when player tries to place a block, but the block place is blocked
blockPlaceBlocked: "&cYou cannot place blocks during combat below 40 blocks!"
New config: