Implement Carta as a provider for our notary service to notarize share information and total value of holdings.
Carta provides detailed information about equity holdings through their API. We want to leverage this data to create notarized attestations about an individual's shares in various companies and their total value.
Extract relevant information from the JSON response, including:
Number of shares per company
Total value of holdings
Details of different types of equity (e.g., option grants, RSUs, warrants)
Create Notarization Logic
Develop functions to notarize the extracted information
Focus on key metrics like total shares, vested shares, and total value
Implement Notary Provider Interface
Create a Carta provider that adheres to our notary provider interface
Ensure it can generate appropriate attestations based on the Carta data
Technical Considerations
The Carta API response includes detailed information about various types of holdings (option grants, RSUs, SARs, etc.). We need to decide which specific data points to include in our notarizations.
Consider implementing caching to reduce API calls and improve performance.
Ensure proper error handling for API failures or data inconsistencies.
Security and Privacy
Implement secure storage for Carta API credentials
Ensure that only necessary data is extracted and stored during the notarization process
Create unit tests for the Carta API integration
Develop integration tests for the entire notarization flow
Test with various scenarios (multiple holdings, different equity types, edge cases)
Document the setup process for the Carta provider
Create user guidelines for requesting Carta-based notarizations
Implement Carta as a provider for our notary service to notarize share information and total value of holdings.
Carta provides detailed information about equity holdings through their API. We want to leverage this data to create notarized attestations about an individual's shares in various companies and their total value.
Integrate with Carta API{portfolio_id}/corporation/{corporation_id}/securities/
Parse Carta API Response
Create Notarization Logic
Implement Notary Provider Interface
Technical Considerations
Security and Privacy
Next Steps