Ethan-yt / guwenbert

GuwenBERT: 古文预训练语言模型(古文BERT) A Pre-trained Language Model for Classical Chinese (Literary Chinese)
Apache License 2.0
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预训练载入方式咨询 #14

Closed renjunxiang closed 3 years ago

renjunxiang commented 3 years ago

非常感谢您开源这个项目,在使用过程中遇到了一点小问题想咨询一下。 中文roberta一般都是BertModel载入,例如,在config中model_type是bert。 您这边是用RobertaModel,想问一下为什么这样处理呢?

Ethan-yt commented 3 years ago


renjunxiang commented 3 years ago


感谢您的回答。roberta和bert的差别应该只是在预训练过程中去掉了nsp和动态mask吧,模型结构应该是一样的。 如果是用HuggingFace脚本训练的,官方是已经去掉的NSP且MLM是动态的。我刚重新看了结构,区别只在token_type_embeddings,bert2个、roberta1个。因为token_type_embeddings在QA过程中的效果目前尚不明确,所以我觉得可以考虑用BertModel,否则在QA类型的任务会无法对query额外编码。 以上个人建议供参考哈~

Ethan-yt commented 3 years ago


CZWin32768 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your interest @renjunxiang . The type embedding is not a necessary component in pre-trained LMs (see the RoBERTa paper). The huggingface implementation reserves the type embedding just for compatibility. You can directly concatenate the passage-query pair without type embedding for the QA task.

renjunxiang commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your interest @renjunxiang . The type embedding is not a necessary component in pre-trained LMs (see the RoBERTa paper). The huggingface implementation reserves the type embedding just for compatibility. You can directly concatenate the passage-query pair without type embedding for the QA task.

Thank you for your answer!