EthanRBrown / web-development-with-node-and-express

Companion repository to Web Development With Node and Express, first edition.
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Zombie.js on Windows #77

Closed vkelman closed 7 years ago

vkelman commented 8 years ago

Just wanted to confirm: is it still impossible to install Zombie.js on Windows? If possible, can someone provide links / instructions? Is that hard for novice user like me?

EthanRBrown commented 7 years ago

Hi, @vkelman , it's not impossible (never has been), just very difficult. I will be removing cross-page testing with Zombie in the next edition of this for this and many other reasons.

romanpuliyan commented 6 years ago

Now 2017, I installed latest zombie 5.0.7 via "npm install --save zombie". It's working on Windows, I have Windows XP, yes it still live:) As I understand, now Zombie has its own assertions, so we don't need Chai for it.

  1. Remove "assert = require('chai').assert;", just leave requiring zombie.
  2. Replace strings like this "assert(browser.field('referrer').value === referrer);" with "browser.assert.element('form input[name=referrer]',referrer);"
EthanRBrown commented 6 years ago

Thanks for weighing in, @romanson-god ; glad to hear it's working on Windows.

fullstack681 commented 3 years ago

@romanson-god, @EthanRBrown , ya may be it works on windows, but i've some issue related to zombieJS when i import i.e.require in certain file, issue has shown below

Issue: Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined