EthanRutherford / increventure

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Combat UI #6

Open red-leader opened 6 years ago

red-leader commented 6 years ago
EthanRutherford commented 6 years ago

General layout of battle menu

[         attack          ]
[ skills][ items ][actions]

Skills menu (list)

| skill 1       mana cost |
| description             |
| skill 2       mana cost |
| description             |

Items menu (grid)

[ item1 ][ item2 ][ item3 ]
[ item4 ][ item5 ][ item6 ]
[ item7 ][ item8 ][ item9 ]

Actions (Tactics?)

[   defend   ][    pass   ]
[   charge   ][    run    ]

defend blocks a significant portion of the damage taken on the next turn. pass allows you to pass your turn off to another character, giving them another turn this round. charge spends the turn gaining back mana, between 2-4 times the normal amount recharged per turn. run gives a chance to escape a fight, following a microgame (most likely involving rapid clicking)

There will also be some kind of "stale" mechanic, where defending or passing too often is not allowed (maybe also for chargeing, but since that one leaves you more open it may be less abusable). Will likely be implemented as a failure chance that increases when used multiple times in a row, and will print [action] failed! then grey out the action for a turn on a failure, allowing the player to choose something else. Alternatively, if we wanted to be a little more cruel, we could forfeit the character's turn on a failed action, but that may be too mean. Either way, it will need to be balanced well enough to discourage abuse while still being a useful tactical option.

(all names up for bikeshedding)

EthanRutherford commented 6 years ago

Additional notes:

red-leader commented 6 years ago

Screen sketches (see file titles for labels) ending-screen-sketch main-combat-screen-sketch run-screen-sketch submenu-screen-sketch