Ethandaniel47 / EdgarAllanPoeProject

Analysis of language pertaining to capture/enclosure and release in regards to the poetry and prose of Edgar Allan Poe
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Project Update 02-08-19 #2

Open khuber116 opened 5 years ago

khuber116 commented 5 years ago

This week we held our first project meeting and decided on goals for the next two weeks. By next week we are hoping to each have one of Poe's poems marked up so that we can compare the elements each of us find significant. We also divided up some of the work that will need to be done when moving forward. Ethan has decided to take on most of the document analysis, Matthew has decided to take on some of the more technical background programming, and I'll be taking on more of the HTML/CSS work while also working with others on the schema. Within the next two weeks, we are hoping to have all of our document analysis and markup completed along with the associated schema. Today we also settled on a more specific research question. How does Poe show themes of confinement and release in his poetry through language that carries connotations of openness and closeness, of ascendence and descent, and of capture and release?

djbpitt commented 5 years ago

@khuber116 Good write-up, Kyle!

If you haven’t done this already, your team might want to discuss using GitHub Issues and GitHub Projects to track these tasks. For example, in addition to this general write-up (and you want a comprehensive, general write-up in a single Issue, as you do here), you could also create individual Issues for each combination of person and task. For example, if each person is going to choose and tag a poem, you could create separate Issues for each person’s task. Take a look at for information about GitHub Projects and about Assignees and Labels in GitHub Issues.

loreese commented 5 years ago

Good to have a research question narrowed down this week, and very interesting examination of contrasting themes in the works. Have you guys decided how you’re going to document these themes in your corpus mark-up yet? And are you expecting a mix of these contrasting themes in each piece, or are you choosing pieces that individually embody one or the other?

brenda275 commented 5 years ago

It's good that you were able to specify your research question even more than before and divide the work within you group. Your project is moving along at a good pace. The only question I have now is about the corpus. Do you plan to analyze all of Poe's poems or will you focus more specifically on poems that are more relevant to the theme you're analyzing?

AncientGreekGeek commented 5 years ago

Your research question sounds really interesting! I just have a quick question about the poems. How will you each be picking the poems that you focus on? Will it be based on personal preference or are choosing the poems specifically to find content relevant to your question?