Ethandaniel47 / EdgarAllanPoeProject

Analysis of language pertaining to capture/enclosure and release in regards to the poetry and prose of Edgar Allan Poe
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Project-Update_02-22-2019 #9

Open Ethandaniel47 opened 5 years ago

Ethandaniel47 commented 5 years ago

This week we met to look over the preliminary batches of document mark-up we had each done following our example poem we did together last week. We noticed some continuity errors in this analysis and will be using this next week to revise our previous mark-ups as well as tackling another batch of poems (hopefully 15-20 poems). Matt and Kyle will be meeting separately to work out some facets of the overall schema validation for our entire corpus and Ethan will be working on giving the web page for the project a little razzle dazzle as we move forward.

sjw82 commented 5 years ago

Are you all trying to markup Poe's entire corpus or just part? Do you intend to deepen your markup or are you focusing exclusively on release and capture? In which case, have you considered exploring motivation as well? For example, capture for greed vs jealousy, release for choice vs a lack thereof. Also, have you considered the possibility of data mining to see if a distant reading identifies the same trends or themes similar to those which you're finding in close reading?

brenda275 commented 5 years ago

How large of a corpus is your group aiming to reach? Is everyone planning to markup 15-20 poems each for every week or is your group planning to have the markup analysis done soon? As you continue to markup more poems you might find it helpful to explore different aspects, as the above comment mentioned. If that is the case, then it might be best to have a set schema first to manage your corpus as a whole in the instance that you're faced with continuity errors again.

MLuckman commented 5 years ago

Have you given any thought to website organization? Have you considered what sort of aesthetic you want?

Additionally, I'm having trouble finding a schema. Is it on the repo? Even if it is, you might want to consider making a separate folder for it so it doesn't get buried in the corpus.