EtheaDev / MarkdownShellExtensions

A Markdown Text Editor to manually edit a markdown file, with instant preview of the output in a HTML Viewer. A Preview handler which allows you to see the content of the markdown file without open it, in the "Preview Panel", integrated into Windows Explorer.
Apache License 2.0
49 stars 13 forks source link

Windows 7 error #4

Closed Sippelin closed 1 year ago

Sippelin commented 1 year ago

Hi! Just installed MDShellExtensionsSetup.exe on my Windows 7 (64bit) SP1 and have an error when try to open preview in explorer:

Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: prevhost.exe Application Version: 6.1.7601.17562 Application Timestamp: 4d5e2495 Module name with error: KERNELBASE.dll Module version with error: 6.1.7601.24545 Module timestamp with error: 5e0eb6bd Exception Code: c06d007f Exception Offset: 000000000000b87d OS Version: 6.1.7601. Language Code: 1049 Additional information 1: 0ffe Additional Information 2: 0ffeff344546bd9ed3a4409568c50c90 Additional information 3: 63bc Additional Information 4: 63bcffb11abe9078ffd9d7b03d16c883

If i try to click on .md file in a preview window this error:

It is not possible to preview this file due to an error in Delphi Markdown Preview Handler

What i do wrong?

carloBarazzetta commented 1 year ago

Try opening the same file using the MarkDown file editor, see if the same error is thrown, and give me feed-back. Does the error occur for every .md file or just one?

Sippelin commented 1 year ago

If i try to open .md with file editor everything is fine. File editor works good. This error occurs with every md file only with preview.

carloBarazzetta commented 1 year ago

I suppose it's a problem with Windows 7 - SP1... I've tested the preview only with Windows 10 and 11... You can try another ShellExtensions of mine, like to see if the problem is at "low level" of every Extensions or only affected by MarkDownShellExtensions...

carloBarazzetta commented 1 year ago

No more feedback.