EtheaDev / MarkdownShellExtensions

A Markdown Text Editor to manually edit a markdown file, with instant preview of the output in a HTML Viewer. A Preview handler which allows you to see the content of the markdown file without open it, in the "Preview Panel", integrated into Windows Explorer.
Apache License 2.0
49 stars 13 forks source link

Can't rebuild MDTextEditor project #8

Closed wmeyer48 closed 3 weeks ago

wmeyer48 commented 2 months ago

Hello, I was looking at your MarkDown code, and tried to build the MDTextEditor projecy in Delphi 12.1. It complains that there a properties missing from SynXMLSyn.Options. In fact, there is no Options property in SynXMLSyn that I can see. I would like to make use of this, but have no idea how to proceed on that. Also, FrameEditor12 is given in a dpk file as a required module, but FrameEditor has no version suffix. I realize that I can use the one available through the installer, but for the app I have in mind, it would be much better if I could integrate it.


carloBarazzetta commented 2 months ago

Take care that you don't have the same versions of SynEdit and HTMLViewer installed in your IDE, compared to the version contained into \Ext\ Folder. Now I've committed a new version, adding Packages folder for external libraries, so you can upgrade you components into IDE build/installing the packages and recompile the Editor without problems...

Please give me a feed-back

carloBarazzetta commented 3 weeks ago

No feedback, issue closed...