EtheaDev / SVGIconImageList

Three engines to render SVG (Delphi Image32, Skia4Delphi, Direct2D wrapper) and four components to simplify use of SVG images (resize, fixedcolor, grayscale...)
Apache License 2.0
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Unused parameter #190

Closed TommiPrami closed 3 years ago

TommiPrami commented 3 years ago

AImageIndex parameter is not used, FImageIndex is used instead. I think this is either bug or little bit misleading. As the SVGIconItem function is not inherited, so there is no need from that way.

function TSVGIconImage.SVGIconItem(const AImageIndex: Integer): TSVGIconItem; var {$IFDEF D10_3+} LVirtualImageList: TVirtualImageList; LItem: TVirtualImageListItem; {$ENDIF} LSVGIconItems: TSVGIconItems; begin Result := nil; if FImageList is TSVGIconImageListBase then begin LSVGIconItems := TSVGIconImageListBase(FImageList).SVGIconItems; Result := LSVGIconItems[FImageIndex]; end; {$IFDEF D10_3+} if (FImageList is TVirtualImageList) then begin LVirtualImageList := TVirtualImageList(FImageList); if LVirtualImageList.ImageCollection is TSVGIconImageCollection then begin LSVGIconItems := TSVGIconImageCollection(LVirtualImageList.ImageCollection).SVGIconItems; LItem := LVirtualImageList.Images[FImageIndex]; if Assigned(LItem) then Result := LSVGIconItems[LItem.Collectionindex]; end; end; {$ENDIF} end;