EtheaDev / SVGIconImageList

Three engines to render SVG (Delphi Image32, Skia4Delphi, Direct2D wrapper) and four components to simplify use of SVG images (resize, fixedcolor, grayscale...)
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Multiple invocations of "SVG" property "Get" accessor of TSVGIconBitmapItep #226

Closed birbilis closed 2 years ago

birbilis commented 2 years ago

The following code (from FMX.SVGIconImageList) seems to invoke the SVG property "get accessor" multiple times. I suppose the Delphi compiler isn't optimising such things. So why not use a local variable or a with statement? (in my opinion "with" IS useful, especially for such cases)

procedure TSVGIconBitmapItem.DrawSVGIcon;
  LBitmap: TBitmap;
  LBitmapWidth, LBitmapHeight: Integer;
  LBitmap := inherited Bitmap;
  LBitmapWidth := Round(FWidth * Scale);
  LBitmapHeight := Round(FHeight * Scale);
  LBitmap.SetSize(LBitmapWidth, LBitmapHeight);
  SVG.Opacity := Opacity;
  SVG.FixedColor := FixedColor;
  SVG.Grayscale := GrayScale;
  PaintToBitmap(LBitmap, SVG, FZoom);

maybe other code is similar too

luebbe commented 2 years ago

Not sure about using with, but I guess you saw this yourself ;)

procedure TSVGIconBitmapItem.DrawSVGIcon;
  LBitmap: TBitmap;
  LBitmapWidth, LBitmapHeight: Integer;
  LBitmap := inherited Bitmap;
  LBitmapWidth := Round(FWidth * Scale);
  LBitmapHeight := Round(FHeight * Scale);
  LBitmap.SetSize(LBitmapWidth, LBitmapHeight);
  with SVG do
    Opacity := Opacity;
    FixedColor := FixedColor;
    Grayscale := GrayScale;
  PaintToBitmap(LBitmap, SVG, FZoom);
carloBarazzetta commented 2 years ago

I don't love "with" keyword, I corrected the code using a local variable:

  LSVG := SVG;
  LSVG.Opacity := Opacity;
  LSVG.FixedColor := FixedColor;
  LSVG.Grayscale := GrayScale;
  PaintToBitmap(LBitmap, LSVG, FZoom);
birbilis commented 2 years ago

Not sure about using with, but I guess you saw this yourself ;)

procedure TSVGIconBitmapItem.DrawSVGIcon;
  LBitmap: TBitmap;
  LBitmapWidth, LBitmapHeight: Integer;
  LBitmap := inherited Bitmap;
  LBitmapWidth := Round(FWidth * Scale);
  LBitmapHeight := Round(FHeight * Scale);
  LBitmap.SetSize(LBitmapWidth, LBitmapHeight);
  with SVG do
    Opacity := Opacity;
    FixedColor := FixedColor;
    Grayscale := GrayScale;
  PaintToBitmap(LBitmap, SVG, FZoom);

yep, that's why I suggested to Embarcadero

would then have .Opacity = Opacity etc. as long as one had used compiler define in that unit/code area to say they didn't want the old "unsafe" with behaviour (the one that's falling back to the outer [of any nested withs] context). Original with wasn't designed for OOP obviously, was more for structure programming