Three engines to render SVG (Delphi Image32, Skia4Delphi, Direct2D wrapper) and four components to simplify use of SVG images (resize, fixedcolor, grayscale...)
The signature of CreatePrintControl in D2DMissing.pas is wrong. This function is not used, so this is not a problem but you may want to correct it in case anyone makes a use of it.
The correct signature is:
function CreatePrintControl(const wicFactory: IWICImagingFactory;
const documentTarget: IPrintDocumentPackageTarget;
printControlProperties: PD2D1_PRINT_CONTROL_PROPERTIES;
out printControl: ID2D1PrintControl): HResult; stdcall;
The signature of CreatePrintControl in D2DMissing.pas is wrong. This function is not used, so this is not a problem but you may want to correct it in case anyone makes a use of it.
The correct signature is: