EtheaDev / StyledComponents

Components similar to Delphi VCL Buttons, Toolbar, DbNavigator, BindNavigator, ButtonGroup and CategoryButtons with Custom Graphic Styles, and an advanced, full-customizable TaskDialog, also with animations!
Apache License 2.0
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TStyledSpeedButton.Tag always 0 #19

Closed kursatturkay closed 4 months ago

kursatturkay commented 4 months ago

eg: Btn1:TStyledSpeedButton; ..... Btn1.Tag:=9; caption:=Btn1.Tag.ToString; // returns 0

tag property cannot be set in runtime. and designtime. its always 0. tested.

GetTag func returns wrong Tag. returns Btn1.Render.Tag. not Btn1.Tag also SetTag has same behaviour.

temporary using "HelpContext" property instead of Tag.

carloBarazzetta commented 4 months ago

I cannot reproduce the issue: wich versione are you using?

kursatturkay commented 4 months ago

latest version of StyledComponents. bug12024_0610(22;54).zip 1-create new project. add a StyledSpeedButton. Set button1.Tag=1 in designtime. than test if Tag=1 in button1 click event result=Tag=0

sample project attached.

carloBarazzetta commented 4 months ago

Sorry, I've tested with TStyledButton... to solve add those lines into Vcl.StyledButton.pas unit: line 963: property Tag; line 1481: property Tag; In the next release it will be fixed...

carloBarazzetta commented 4 months ago

Fixed in the latest release