EtheaDev / StyledComponents

Components similar to Delphi VCL Buttons, Toolbar, DbNavigator, BindNavigator, ButtonGroup and CategoryButtons with Custom Graphic Styles, and an advanced, full-customizable TaskDialog, also with animations!
Apache License 2.0
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StyledTaskDialog icon is not trasparent #48

Closed MAUROFAILO closed 2 weeks ago

MAUROFAILO commented 2 weeks ago

image In TStyledTaskDialog then Image is not Trasparent. The code i this:

Function CreateInformationDialogOK(Messaggio:String):TStyledTaskDialog; Var StyledTaskDialog1:TStyledTaskDialog; Begin StyledTaskDialog1:=TStyledTaskDialog.create(Nil); With StyledTaskDialog1 do Begin mainIcon:=tdiInformation; Caption:='Informazione'; Title:='Attenzione:'; Text:= Messaggio; CommonButtons:=[tcbOk]; DefaultButton:=tcbOk; End; Result:=StyledTaskDialog1; End;

carloBarazzetta commented 2 weeks ago

It's not a problem of transparency of the image, but of the panel that contains the image. Please try to change ParentColor to True of IconContainer Panel into unit Vcl.StyledTaskDialogFormUnit.pas and give me a feedbck. Thanks.

MAUROFAILO commented 2 weeks ago

image image No. The problem remain.

MAUROFAILO commented 2 weeks ago

I change to True too, Parentcolor of CentralPanel end Imagepanel (The Owner of IconContainer), but the problem is not resolved.

MAUROFAILO commented 2 weeks ago

The problem is Parentbackground. It must be set to True in all the panel and owner panel. Verify. Give me a feedbck. Thanks. image