EtheaDev / StyledComponents

Components similar to Delphi VCL Buttons, Toolbar, DbNavigator, BindNavigator, ButtonGroup and CategoryButtons with Custom Graphic Styles, and an advanced, full-customizable TaskDialog, also with animations!
Apache License 2.0
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Down arrow becomes invisible if button has property Flat set to True and Style set to bsSplitButton #7

Closed vectoris closed 8 months ago

vectoris commented 11 months ago

This needs to be fixed. If this is not a bug, then it should be possible to make this arrow visible.

carloBarazzetta commented 11 months ago

Try with those changes and give me a feed-back:

procedure TStyledButtonRender.DrawBackgroundAndBorder(
  const ACanvas: TCanvas;
  const AStyleAttribute: TStyledButtonAttributes);
  DrawRect, SplitButtonRect: TRect;
  //Erase Background

  //Don't draw button face for Flat Buttons
  if not (FFlat and (FState in [bsUp, bsDisabled]) and not (FMouseInControl)) or
    Focused then
    DrawRect := FOwnerControl.ClientRect;

    //Draw Button Shape
    CanvasDrawshape(ACanvas, DrawRect, FStyleDrawType, FStyleRadius);

  //Draw Bar and Triangle
  if FDropDownRect.Width > 0 then
    SplitButtonRect.Left := DrawRect.Width - FDropDownRect.Width;
    if FFlat then
      ACanvas.Pen.Style := psClear;
    CanvasDrawBarAndTriangle(ACanvas, FDropDownRect,
      {$IFDEF D10_3+}FOwnerControl.ScaleFactor{$ELSE}1{$ENDIF},
      ACanvas.Pen.Color, AStyleAttribute.FontColor);
vectoris commented 10 months ago

These changes solve the problem.

carloBarazzetta commented 8 months ago

Fixed in 3.2.0 version