Etheirys / Brio

A utility for improving the GPose experience in FFXIV.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crash to desktop on Brio v0.3.0+ #46

Closed MilanWinchester closed 2 months ago

MilanWinchester commented 5 months ago

Game has constantly crashed 4 times after changing the clothes on my cloned character in the brio gpose mod. Has never happened before.

Minmoose commented 5 months ago

I can't reproduce this, what other mods do you have installed?

MilanWinchester commented 5 months ago

Just the general ones I need which are mare, penumbra, and glamourer. Mare did update last night and I tried a solo gpose with Brio and it worked. I’m a little hesitant to try it with a cloned version of myself because I change the appearance to an NPC and like I said before it’s never done this until now.

MilanWinchester commented 5 months ago

just tried again with the cloning of myself and importing the NPC look and my game crashed within two minutes...

HoloWise commented 5 months ago

Can't tell if it's connected to this issue or something completely different but today I crashed 2 times when posing with Brio, never happened before, Once after changing my shoes in Glamourer mid pose and once after changing skin shine level in Glamourer mid pose, Both times a short while after making those changes my game would just freeze up and crash with no logs, event viewer points at heap corruption, (Exception 0xc0000374 coming from ntdll.dll)

There's also an issue I noticed where Undo/Redo state is wrong, for example I will load a pose, make some changes, undo them and then redo them and for some reason my entire pose will shift to some state from the past (like from before loading that pose) that shouldn't be even a "redo" state. Haven't logged an issue for that since I didn't have a chance to get proper repro steps but just thought it's worth mentioning in case it may be related to crashes

Minmoose commented 5 months ago

Undo/Redo state is not related to the crashes, that is happening because of an invalid state being saved in the Undo/Redo List, it's related to #38

As for the crashes, I am currently investigating the crash, it seems if you have Mare & Brio enabled while in Gpose you will crash within minutes of opening Gpose, so do you have Mare installed? If so, I'm not sure if changing Glamourer items is the cause, but it might be, I'll investigate.

HoloWise commented 5 months ago

Yeah I have Mare installed.

First crash happened in my Squadron room so I was alone and after it happened once I was fine moving forward, was in gpose for a few hours

Second crash (or rather 3 crashes) happened with 1-2 synced people around me but later I was able to finish my pose with 1 synced person around.

(Mare doesn't sync in gpose so don't think it should be causing problems?)

Glamourer thing could be just a coincidence.

Minmoose commented 5 months ago

Yea, I know Mare doesn't sync in GPose, it's quite confusing, I've only ever got it to crash with Mare enabled, but I can't find the repro for it and using debugger hasn't produced any results yet

HoloWise commented 5 months ago

Just FYI I sent you a screenshot on Discord, talked with Dark about the issue and he threw out some loose ideas based on what Mare does in gpose

Also I crashed again today after being in GPose for a while with no issues. Was in gpose with someone next to me and in party, they left the game, I continued posing and 1-2 minutes later it crashed. Could be a coincidence but yesterday's crash happened some time after someone came to me as I was posing so maybe a possible repro but I don't have any way to confirm this atm.

HRFleur commented 5 months ago

I encountered super frequent crash after today's update. Everything works fine before. Not very sure but I feel 3 of them happened a little while after adjusting minion/mount. It was a single character scene in a dungeon, so there were not any other characters in the instance.

Update: just saw the new push, will try it tomorrow. Update2: still crashing. happens at any moment without warning in Gpose. mare disabled.

RodentCoffee commented 4 months ago

Wanted to add in on the crash report. I've never crashed this much until the recent update, and I've noticed it only happens when summoning an actor and turning them into a minion for props is an immediate crash unless I go into gpose with the minion already summoned.

E.G. I tried to summon Nana Bear through brio, crashed four times. Bought the minion, summoned it, went into gpose and never crashed.

Minmoose commented 4 months ago

I can't reproduce this @RodentCoffee

Is this the most recent update

What plugins do you have installed? Do you use TexTools or Penumbra? If so, what mods do you have installed?


amasocen commented 4 months ago

I too have the same issue when summoning multiple acters in brio for group animations the game constantly crash without a warning. My current version is v0.3.0.5. All I installed are just brio, glamourer, and penumbra

Minmoose commented 4 months ago

@amasocen Brio is not compatible with FFXIV patch 6.58 Hotfix 1, Update to Brio

Minmoose commented 4 months ago

An update to anyone who might see this. Based on some recent reports, I have two remaining theories causing the crashing, I'm going to do two things and I will need help from the community with them.

First: Tomorrow (Apr-9th EDT) I'm going to re-release Brio v0.2.3.0 made to work with FFXIV 6.58 Hotfix 1, as a testing version, if you have been experiencing the crashing please send me a DM on how to join this Test

Next: The crashing maybe due to new incompatibility with certain Penumbra mods, if anyone who is willing and has been experiencing crashing, if they could DM (on Discord(Minmoose) or Twitter(MiniatureMoosey) ) me the following:

A complete list of ALL their Penumbra mods installed &... A complete list of ALL installed Dalamud plugins

Thank You to everyone who has helped so far &, sorry for all the constant crashing! :cold_sweat:

Minmoose commented 4 months ago

For anyone viewing this after crashing with Brio 0.3.1 and wishing to join the CrashTest over the weekend, go here for details.

Desucrate commented 4 months ago

Just wanted to report another crash, I had Penumbra and Anamnesis open, though Anamnesis was not being actively used. I was fiddling around in the settings and found the keybind overlay. Hit CTRL M to test it out a couple times and got a CTD.

Minmoose commented 4 months ago

@Desucrate This crashing with the key-bind overlay should be fixed with Brio

BrnctKhei commented 4 months ago

Came to add to the mix.

Ever since the most recent patch I've been dealing with the same crashes. brief freeze then exit to desktop with no errors. The event viewer claims it's an issue with direct x11

Even without using brio for extra actors or posing it will crash. sometimes just moving the camera.

My list of plugins are as follows..

Brio Customize+ Emote Log ExtraChat Glamourer Heliophere Honorific Ktisis Mare Synchronos Moodles Penumbra QoL bar Simple Heels XICWindowResizer

Including a picture of active mods and one of the event viewer reports. the event is always the same. just a different timestamp.

BrioCrashEvent FINAL FANTASY XIV 2024-05-02 11_20_21 AM

Minmoose commented 4 months ago

@BrnctKhei Thank you, I just pushed out an update to the CrashTest, if you could join it and see if you are still crashing, I would appreciate it!

BrnctKhei commented 4 months ago

Finally had time to try to gpose and like clockwork, another crash. Same List of mods and plugins as a above save for using the brio crash test version.

Including the event view and HOPEFULLY the correct dalamud log.

(Thank you for working so hard on this y'all.) BrioCrashMay3 dalamud.log

Ninjacharlz commented 4 months ago

There is a very good possibility that these crashed are caused by windows 11. I experienced all of these issue's myself but after i told myself "i'll download their crash log tool tommorow" i got warnings from capcom games.

making sure the windows "legacy components" are turned on fixed all of this for me. Maybe it Can for you?

BrnctKhei commented 3 months ago

I will try that! they were, indeed, off. turned them on and we'll see if that helps. Thanks!

Desucrate commented 3 months ago

There is a very good possibility that these crashed are caused by windows 11. I experienced all of these issue's myself but after i told myself "i'll download their crash log tool tommorow" i got warnings from capcom games.

making sure the windows "legacy components" are turned on fixed all of this for me. Maybe it Can for you?

My crash was on Win 10, just as a note for this.

BrnctKhei commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately turning legacy components did not fix the issue. I just crashed again. just moving the camera. most of my crashes happen while moving the camera.

Including dalamud log again for tonight's crash.

dalamud (2).log

BrnctKhei commented 3 months ago

just a note here. it'd a bit early to tell for sure but I've started leaving delimit camera and disable collision off and haven't had a crash yet.

Minmoose commented 3 months ago

@BrnctKhei The log you provided indicates that you aren't using the CrashTest, I've just once again update the Test to so if you could join the test and see if that fixes your crashing I would, appreciate it!

@Ninjacharlz Have you been using the CrashTest? And have you experienced a crash in the last two days?

BrnctKhei commented 3 months ago

Then that must be the wrong log. I'll figure out where the correct one is.

Ninjacharlz commented 3 months ago

@BrnctKhei The log you provided indicates that you aren't using the CrashTest, I've just once again update the Test to so if you could join the test and see if that fixes your crashing I would, appreciate it!

@Ninjacharlz Have you been using the CrashTest? And have you experienced a crash in the last two days?

i litterally had another crash today(it appears the problem wasn't resolved), i have not been using the crash test. i will do so now and see if i can get another crash today.

Ninjacharlz commented 3 months ago

i was posing with multiple characters. i had the following plugins running.

Blue mage helper Brio - crashtest 0.2 Character data sync by goat. Chat bubbles. Customize+ Glamourer Heliosphere. Mare Synchronos Penumbra Moodles. Price Insight simple heels.

i usually have all of these running. a while ago i posted that enabling legacy components onmy windows 11 fixed issue's. it KINDA did. crashes aren't as frequent or AS instantly as before.


BrnctKhei commented 3 months ago

Came to add to the mix.

Ever since the most recent patch I've been dealing with the same crashes. brief freeze then exit to desktop with no errors. The event viewer claims it's an issue with direct x11

Even without using brio for extra actors or posing it will crash. sometimes just moving the camera.

My list of plugins are as follows..

Brio Customize+ Emote Log ExtraChat Glamourer Heliophere Honorific Ktisis Mare Synchronos Moodles Penumbra QoL bar Simple Heels XICWindowResizer

Including a picture of active mods and one of the event viewer reports. the event is always the same. just a different timestamp.

BrioCrashEvent FINAL FANTASY XIV 2024-05-02 11_20_21 AM

Had another crash today. Took much longer to crash than usual and I had a fair few brio generated actors.

Same mods, same plugins.

I HOPE that I'm including the correct log file because I am, indeed, using the crash test version dalamud.log

Minmoose commented 3 months ago

@BrnctKhei Just to confirm, you are using CrashTest v0.2.3.5?

BrnctKhei commented 3 months ago



BrnctKhei commented 3 months ago

Dunno if it helps but crashed again for me.. was posing two actors. only one was brio spawned.

Same mods/pugins Only thing different is that I have downloaded and installed another clothing mod Lord Errant for Ladies [Bibo+]

Crashed last night before I had that mod though.

I can pose to my heart's content. For me the crashes always happen when I'm moving the camera.

I can only hope I'm including the right dalamud log because I play the game and gpose under my login on my shared PC but my husband started modding under his login first. The log I'm sending in from the file location in my user folder so I hope it's the correct one.

I apologize if I'm annoying or stupid. I'm doing my best to help with identifying the culprit of the crashes.

dalamud may18.log

Minmoose commented 3 months ago

@BrnctKhei Your fine you've not been annoying or stupid, I'm sorry I've been slow to respond I have been unable to do much the last few weeks because of constant life emergencies and yes you are submitting the right logs, if the camera is causing the crashing it won't be Brio that's the culprit, but I think that it's unlikely it's the camera causing crashing anyway, you are unfortunately the only one that is still reporting crashing with the current version of the CrashTest, there is a known crash with the current CrashTest but it's not a crash to desktop like what you are experiencing so I'm not sure if your crashing is because of Brio and unfortunately the log isn't much help with your crashing. Have you tried to validate the game files with the Dalamud launcher, and are you PC's drivers up to date?

Ninjacharlz commented 3 months ago


New dalamud.log file from today.

Same plugins as last time. This time the crash happened after i opened the menu for "advanced" editing to change the character "wetness".

Minmoose commented 2 months ago

Closed due to pending rewrite for Dawntrail

I've traced this issue back to #37, I believe this crash was the same one I observed in the Feb 26 comment