I'm finding myself stumbling upon the axis scaling speed via "click & drag" quite often while posing.
Therefore I thought it would be a great QoL improvement if it would be possible for the user to configure the scaling steps on adjusting the size per step.
There are many cases, especially for fine adjustments to positions, where I found 0.010 to be quite rough which forces me to type it in by hand until I find the right position.
If the user would be able to define the scaling speed / scaling rate per drag movement themselves it would imrpove that situation a lot.
Hi! I'm finding myself stumbling upon the axis scaling speed via "click & drag" quite often while posing. Therefore I thought it would be a great QoL improvement if it would be possible for the user to configure the scaling steps on adjusting the size per step.
There are many cases, especially for fine adjustments to positions, where I found 0.010 to be quite rough which forces me to type it in by hand until I find the right position. If the user would be able to define the scaling speed / scaling rate per drag movement themselves it would imrpove that situation a lot.