Ether1Project / Roadmap

The Official Road map for Ether-1
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[Main Road Map] Website Revamp & refresh #2

Open fallengravity opened 4 years ago

fallengravity commented 4 years ago



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Please give your suggestion a TL;DR title:

Website Revamp & refresh.

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We've been talking about a website refresh. As suggested by primate we should break this up into two parts:

Part 1: Body Copy refresh

Part 2: Entire Site Revamp.

For now, we can handle the Body Copy refresh in-house however there is the possibility to out-source the Revamp.

fallengravity commented 4 years ago

Website Body copy (index.html)

Immutable. Easy to Use. Decentralized.

Ethash POW | No ICO | No Pre-Mine | Application-Specific Masternodes | End-To-End Decentralized Hosting | DApps

A fully decentralized hosting platform that combines blockchain indexing technology and the IPFS protocol to deliver decentralized content on-demand. The ethoFS network is a fully functioning website hosting platform which utilizes the node network for storage and bandwidth, along with providing DDoS protection, censorship resistance and high reliability due to not having any single points of failure.

Decentralize Everything

Imagine a world where social media content was completely held in the public domain and was 100% immutable. A voting system that was run with complete transparency. A version of the internet where the Googles, Facebooks, and Amazons didn’t control a majority of all web content and traffic flow. The idea of a completely decentralized, the democratized web is not only a utopian dream but now achievable.


Our project's goal is to bring all this together by providing a streamlined, completely decentralized development and content hosting platform that is usable by anyone.

Ether-1 Services Why choose us:

100% immutability Guarantee ethoFS is 100% immutable. ONLY YOU can cancel your hosting contract OR remove your content. The only time your content is removed is when your hosting contract expires.

Safe and Secure No one can access your ethoFS account as it is linked to your ETHO wallet's private key. The only way a person can access your uploaded data is if you provide them with your unique ethoFS link.

Dedicated Support The Ether-1 Team and community are extremely active and able to provide support around the clock. Even when there are no team members available, there is always a community member happy to help!

Meet the Official Ether-1 team: The team is constantly growing - Here you can see basic information about the Ether-1 team - If you'd like to find out more please join our discord.

Sui is part of the original Ether-1 Development Team, Although Sui is not a part of the day-to-day running of Ether-1 he is still an active developer dedicated to ETHO.

Ethan has been involved with the Ether-1 since the chain launched. Ethan has been working media industry for a number of years. He is devoted to seeing ETHO succeed.

Primate411 chases synergy between people as well between network devices and servers. To him communication is everything. Primate is also an extremely hard worker.

Treehouse has been with Ether-1 since the beginning. His hobbies include mining ETHO, buying ETHO on STEX, setting up ETHO Gateway Nodes, and trolling the ETHO forums.

Dylan, better known as Dylie. Helped Ether-1 by doing graphics for the team, Dylan is now one of our main DiscordJS and Web developers. His ETHOMaster bot rules the discord.

Mario joined the crypto space in 2016 as a miner. Mario has been a part of the Ether-1 Community since it's launch and is currently working the Ether-1 Social Media channels.

Pistol has a background in customer management and acquisition. With a love for crypto and a passion for mining. Pistol has been in crypto since late 2017.

Dean has been involved with Ether-1 since 2018. He has a passion for marketing, mining, and everything decentralized. Dean is also one of the original ethoLABS team members.

James has a background in mobile and web development as well as a background with embedded systems. James is the official Ether-1 Developer and team leader.

Ether-1 Nodes Network

What are nodes?

Masternodes & Service Nodes are the backbones of the Ether-1 network. Ether-1 Gateway Nodes are used to host the ethoFS platform.

CC: @Primate411

fallengravity commented 4 years ago

I have purposely left out the obvious things which do not require changes such as links, node tier etc. If anyone from the community would like to rewrite some of the content please feel free to rewrite & comment it here.

fallengravity commented 4 years ago

Website Body copy (ethofs.html)

ethoFS: The Features.

Next-Generation Content Hosting Ease of Use Performance

Next-Generation Content hosting: Ether-1 is an Ethereum based blockchain that integrates PoW and a three-tier masternode system to secure the network. Ether-1 uses the collective power of hundreds of masternodes to power ethoFS, a fully decentralized hosting platform that uses the combination of a blockchain indexing system and the IPFS protocol to deliver decentralized content on-demand.

Easy to Use: Users can interface with the ethoFS network through a variety of ways, including an innovative instantaneous browser-based node, allowing them to drag and drop content they wish to deploy and index on the blockchain. The browser-based node automatically uploads and replicates the content to the entire network.

ethoFS Performance: The ethoFS system is a fully functioning website hosting solution utilizing the node network for storage and bandwidth. Masternode owners are paid through a block reward, and receive a share of the profit generated by hosting fees, an innovative way for node owners to take ownership in providing network functionality and security.

Common Questions I Need Help!

What is ethoFS? ethoFS combines the Ether-1 Service/Master/Gateway Node Network with IPFS to deliver decentralized content on a scale not seen before. Users are able to upload content or a website via a simple UI which is decentrally hosted with ethoFS.

Why Is Decentralized hosting with ethoFS such a big deal? Immutability, zero censorship and attack/DDOS resistance are just a few of the benefits. Hosting a website or application via a decentralized solution closes most attack vectors and makes if far too expensive for any nefarious actor to attempt attacking a website. This alleviates one of the major problems/costs companies have to deal with today while using a normal centralized hosting service. Several governments and large corporate entities choose to filter and/or censor the content you are able to see. A decentralized delivery of this content could allow for uncensored and freer-flowing information.

How long is my hosting contract valid for?

Hosting Contracts are valid for following time periods:

                  <li> 100,000 Blocks - approximately 15 Days </li>
                  <li> 200,000 Blocks - approximately 30 Days </li>
                  <li> 300,000 Blocks - approximately 45 Days
                  <li> 400,000 Blocks - approximately 60 Days </li>
                  <li> 500,000 Blocks - approximately 75 Days </li>
                  <li> 600,000 Blocks - approximately 90 Days </li>
                  <li> 700,000 Blocks - approximately 105 Days </li>
                  <li> 800,000 Blocks - approximately 120 Days </li>
                  <li> 900,000 Blocks - approximately 135 Days </li>
                  <li> 1,000,000 Blocks - approximately 150 Days </li>

Can I cancel a Hosting Contract? Yes, you can cancel a contract at any time. You will automatically receive a refund to the wallet you used to pay for the contract.

Refunds are calculated as follows: Amount of ETHO paid - TX Fee = Answer 1. Answer 1 DIVIDED by the remaining blocks on the contract = Refund Amount. Amount of ETHO paid - TX Fee = Gross refund. Gross refund/remaining blocks on contract = Refund amount.

How much does hosting cost? Specific costs have not been decided/determined yet but when we have reached full deployment, a user will be able to upload their content via a decentralized application and pay for the service with ETHO. The cost will be based on the size/storage space required by the content uploaded and the user will be charged a periodic fee (in ETHO) for as long as they want that content available on the network.

How do I change my websites url? This something which is very easy to do and you can find out how Here

fallengravity commented 4 years ago

Website Body copy (Wallets.html)

Web Wallet A Decentralized Wallet Our online wallet is hosted on ethoFS and accessible across the globe. Using the online wallet allows the user to create or manage their wallets on the decentralized ethoFS network.

iOS Wallet ETHO on the Move. Our users can use the iOS wallet to store their ETHO. The wallet allows the user to store their ETHO in their pocket while they're on the go as well as natively access the ethoFS ecosystem.

Android Wallet ETHO on the GO.

Our users can use the Android wallet store their ETHO. The wallet allows the user to store their ETHO in their pocket while they're on the go, as well as see Market information.

Beta Desktop Wallet Desktop Wallet (Beta) This is a beta version of our new desktop wallet which is being developed by Taegus - This wallet will be used to access ethoFS in the future.

The Original Desktop Wallet Desktop Wallet This is the original iteration of the Ether-1 Desktop wallet. This wallet is a fork of Ethereums Mist wallet.

fallengravity commented 4 years ago

We've decided to do the website update in-house.