EtherTW / LogoVote2017

Collection of smart contract samples
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Logo proposal: Ethereum of future light in taipei #15

Open ChihChengLiang opened 7 years ago

ChihChengLiang commented 7 years ago


author: valentino chao contact:

ChihChengLiang commented 7 years ago

(move logo to the issue description)

andrea1112 commented 7 years ago

Author account:0x0e5922A58a2D579b2261E7f203ea96cF6048D26d Owner account: 0xb2804a719f034B7CE3E6E047112574220b3E0118

willliw commented 7 years ago

willliw commented 7 years ago

logo Address: 0x3503317F65b1cdA3d48009AB963Be13BB6960A38 author: 0x0e5922A58a2D579b2261E7f203ea96cF6048D26d owner: 0xb2804a719f034B7CE3E6E047112574220b3E0118