EtherTW / LogoVote2017

Collection of smart contract samples
24 stars 9 forks source link

Change some policy & bug fixed #5

Closed willliw closed 7 years ago

willliw commented 7 years ago
  1. all logos share the rewards
  2. a cleanBalance can be called by owner after 10 days after vote end.
ChihChengLiang commented 7 years ago

@y12studio 這好像 build fail 耶 @willliw 這有要 merge 了嗎?若未可能 PR 前要寫個 WIP

ChihChengLiang commented 7 years ago

claimReward 兩個一樣的函式被定義了兩次

y12studio commented 7 years ago

@willliw @ChihChengLiang 沒注意到,先將目前測試PR提出蓋過去。

willliw commented 7 years ago
