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Building The Internet of Rain 如何建造雨聯網
Language / 語言
[x] English
[x] 中文
[ ] 其他:
Abstract / 大綱 (Optional)
Raincube is an open source, modular platform for building internet-connected rainwater harvesting systems. The Raincube app allows individuals and communities to monitor, and control their rainwater from their phone or computer. Raincoin is a rainwater-backed digital utility token that runs the Raincube economy. Raincoin can can be used in the local water and food economy for peer-to-peer and machine-to-machine payments both as a store of value, medium of exchange, unit of account, voting right, and an open ledger of water transactions.
The Internet of Rain (IoR) is a network of Raincubes nodes. By combining connected devices, blockchain databases, permaculture, natural building, urban farming, and gift economies into a global game using IoR, we can creatively manage the water commons in balance with Mother Earth. The goal of this game is to deploy 10 trillion liters of distributed global rainwater capacity for 10 billion people by 2050. No one owns the rain. It is a gift to be enjoyed by everyone.
Abstract / 大綱 (Optional)
Raincube is an open source, modular platform for building internet-connected rainwater harvesting systems. The Raincube app allows individuals and communities to monitor, and control their rainwater from their phone or computer. Raincoin is a rainwater-backed digital utility token that runs the Raincube economy. Raincoin can can be used in the local water and food economy for peer-to-peer and machine-to-machine payments both as a store of value, medium of exchange, unit of account, voting right, and an open ledger of water transactions.
The Internet of Rain (IoR) is a network of Raincubes nodes. By combining connected devices, blockchain databases, permaculture, natural building, urban farming, and gift economies into a global game using IoR, we can creatively manage the water commons in balance with Mother Earth. The goal of this game is to deploy 10 trillion liters of distributed global rainwater capacity for 10 billion people by 2050. No one owns the rain. It is a gift to be enjoyed by everyone.
References / 參考資料 (Optional)
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Time / 演講時間 (Optional)
30 mins
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