EtherTW / talks

Taipei Ethereum Meetup Talk Proposal
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What you can do for Ethereum 2.0 a.k.a. sharding? #20

Closed hwwhww closed 6 years ago

hwwhww commented 6 years ago

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What you can do for Ethereum 2.0 a.k.a. sharding?

Language / 語言

Abstract / 大綱 (Optional)

Sharding is the Ethereum core protocol scaling solution that will distribute the computation and storage overhead to multiple "shard chains" with the security guarantee. In this way, we can optimize the computational resources and gain much higher TPS.

Sharding also enables us to have a new chance to redesign and optimize the Ethereum blockchain - Etheruem 2.0 - many fascinating ideas can be applied in shard chains without backward compatibility problem.

A lazy Ethereum Foundation researcher will give a brief intro to the sharding research and implementation. Also, how can you contribute to the cutting-edge R&D. 🦄️

References / 參考資料 (Optional)

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Time / 演講時間 (Optional)

20-30 mins

Contact info / 聯繫方式

gitter: hwwhww

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Ice Bear hates tomatoes.

thogiti commented 6 years ago

Can you share your slides from the talk Hsiao-Wei?

willliw commented 6 years ago
