[ ] 其他:
Talk will be given in English, with Chinese translations of key points on the slides. Q&A will be in english and chinese(i can speak chinese)
Abstract / 大綱 (Optional)
Decentralized Finance is the latest trend in the Ethereum Ecosystem, and it has the potential to disrupt the financial industry - a $77 trillion industry.
In this talk we will look at the top DeFi Apps today, as well as potential DeFi apps in the future.
-What is DeFi
-Top Defi Apps
Compound Finance
Lightning Network
Not all DeFi apps are truly "decentralized" (talk about Very decentralized <-> very centralized)
Evaluating safety of Decentralized Apps (audits, centralization)
*Future possibilties of DeFi
**Derivatives, Real estate, etc.
This is a tentative outline of the talk - subject to change, but the main points should be the same.
DeFi - The Decentralized Finance Revolution
Language / 語言
Abstract / 大綱 (Optional)
Decentralized Finance is the latest trend in the Ethereum Ecosystem, and it has the potential to disrupt the financial industry - a $77 trillion industry.
In this talk we will look at the top DeFi Apps today, as well as potential DeFi apps in the future. -What is DeFi -Top Defi Apps MakerDAO Compound Finance Synthetix Uniswap Lightning Network Melon Not all DeFi apps are truly "decentralized" (talk about Very decentralized <-> very centralized) Evaluating safety of Decentralized Apps (audits, centralization) *Future possibilties of DeFi **Derivatives, Real estate, etc.
This is a tentative outline of the talk - subject to change, but the main points should be the same.
References / 參考資料 (Optional)
[slides / 投影片]() TBD
Preferences / 偏好
[X ] Accept Livestream / 可直播
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Time / 演講時間 (Optional)
1:30-2 hour event, with a 30 minute presentation and 10 minute Q&A
Contact info / 聯繫方式
Danger Zhang dangerzhang@gmail.com line safetythird 0983724764
Other Preferences / 其他偏好請補充 (Optional)