EthereumCommonwealth / Auditing

Ethereum Commonwealth Security Department conducted over 400 security audits since 2018. Not even a single contract that we audited was hacked. You can access our audit reports in the ISSUES of this repo. We are accepting new audit requests.
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Final review of SOY Farming contracts #583

Closed Dexaran closed 3 years ago

Dexaran commented 3 years ago

Audit request

Formal review of the SOY Farming contract prior to mainnet deployment.

Source code

Disclosure policy

Standard disclosure policy.



yuriy77k commented 3 years ago

The report was sent to the developer.

yuriy77k commented 3 years ago

SOY Farming Security Audit Report

1. Summary

SOY Farming smart contract security audit report performed by Callisto Security Audit Department

2. In scope

Commit b166fee968b6a10f30ab564c146260878b7b73b8

3. Findings

In total, 1 issues were reported, including:

In total, 6 notes were reported, including:

3.1. Reusing the same storage value - gas wasting

Severity: note


When a contract read a value in a storage it costs about 500 gas. If in a function you are using the same value in a storage more than once will be gas-effective to assign that value to local variable and use the local variable wherever need.

In the contract GlobalFarm the storage variable localFarmId[_localFarmAddress] used many times in many functions:

  1. In the function removeLocalFarmByAddress();
  2. In the function changeMultiplier();
  3. In the function mintFarmingReward


To reduce gas cost of using those functions should be used local variable uint256 _localFarmId = localFarmId[_localFarmAddress] instead of storage.

For example:

    function removeLocalFarmByAddress(address _localFarmAddress) external onlyOwner {
        require (farmExists(_localFarmAddress), "LocalFarm with this address does not exist");
        uint256 _localFarmId = localFarmId[_localFarmAddress]; 

        totalMultipliers = totalMultipliers - uint256(localFarms[_localFarmId].multiplier); // update totalMultipliers

        delete localFarms[_localFarmId]; // delete LocalFarm structure - automatically assign 0 to each element (reduce transaction gas cost).

        localFarmId[_localFarmAddress] = 0;

        emit RemoveLocalFarm(_localFarmAddress);

3.2. Possible loosing accuracy in reward calculation

Severity: low


In the function mintFarmingReward() to calculate _reward the nominator 1000 was used to get allocation in the getAllocationX1000() function. In case of growing numbers of local farms and totalMultipliers accordingly the accuracy may be lost due to small nominator value.

Also in this function the next_payment() used many times. To reduce gas usage use uint256 _nextPayment = next_payment(); and use local variable _nextPayment wherever needed.


Use this fixed function:

    function mintFarmingReward(address _localFarmAddress) external {
        require (farmExists(_localFarmAddress), "LocalFarm with this address does not exist");
        uint256 _localFarmId = localFarmId[_localFarmAddress]; 
        uint256 _nextPayment = next_payment();

        // Comparing against 0:00 UTC always
        // to enable withdrawals for full days only at any point within 24 hours of a day.
        if(localFarms[_localFarmId].lastPayment + paymentDelay > _nextPayment)
            // Someone is requesting payment for a Local Farm that was paid recently.
            // Do nothing.
            uint256 _reward = (_nextPayment - localFarms[_localFarmId].lastPayment) * getRewardPerSecond() * localFarms[_localFarmId].multiplier / totalMultipliers;
            localFarms[_localFarmId].lastPayment = _nextPayment;
  , _reward);

3.3. Multiple cross-contract calling - gas wasting

Severity: note


The cross-contracts calls cost additional 2000 gas, to reduce gas usage minimize number of cross-contracts calls.

The functions getRewardPerSecond and getAllocationX1000 calls related functions in the GlobalFarm contract. But they are used only in pattern uint256 _reward = multiplier * getRewardPerSecond() * getAllocationX1000() / 1000; here and here.


To reduce transaction gas cost create in the GlobalFarm contract function:

function getReward(uint256 interval) external view returns(uint256 reward) {
    reward = interval * getRewardPerSecond() * localFarms[localFarmId[msg.sender]].multiplier / totalMultipliers;

and call it instead of multiplier * getRewardPerSecond() * getAllocationX1000() / 1000; pattern.

3.4. The owner privileges of LocalFarm contract

Severity: owner privileges


The LocalFarm contract owner has right to withdraw all rewards token of inactive farming contract even if users did not claimed their rewards.


Check that all users withdraw their LP tokens adding this requirements:

    require(lpToken.balanceOf(address(this) == 0, "Not all users quit");

3.5. The owner privileges of GlobalFarm contract

Severity: owner privileges


The owner of of GlobalFarm contract has right to:

  1. Add/remove local farm contracts
  2. Change local farm contract multiplier (weight).
  3. Change tokens per year.

4. Security practices

5. Conclusion

The audited smart contract can be deployed. Only low severity issues were found during the audit.

It is recommended to adhere to the security practices described in pt. 4 of this report to ensure the contract's operability and prevent any issues that are not directly related to the code of this smart contract.