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Callisto network. #42

Open Dexaran opened 6 years ago

Dexaran commented 6 years ago

This thread preserves the history of Callisto Network launch, initial roadmap and project goals as well as provide information on its current development stage.


Smart-contract auditing department of CLO & ETC (source code)

Treasury financial report web page

Callisto whitepaper

Callisto original announcement

CallistoCrypto subreddit

Callisto on Twitter

Callisto Network stats


After the CLO Hardfork №2, the development will be based on the built-in governance system and the proposals that will be accepted by the stakeholders.

SL50 commented 6 years ago

@Dexaran do you have any professional security auditors in your team currently?

Dexaran commented 6 years ago

Personally I was a security auditor of smart contracts before I founded Ethereum Commonwealth.

The main problem of Ethereum is smart-contract hacking. Look at TheDAO attack, Parity multisig hack, Critical insecurity of ERC20 token standard. This eventually results in loss of millions of dollars for end users. This hurts the whole cryptocurrency industry.

Being a security auditor, I understand that none of better programming languages, formal verification or other methods can guarantee significant security level. I think that smart-contract security is critically important for the whole Ethereum (Classic) ecosystem.

We should try ensure that almost every smart contract passes a security audit before deploying on Ethereum Classic or Callisto chain.

Here is my attempt to solve this problem for Ethereum Classic.

Dexaran commented 6 years ago

Official Smart-contract Auditing Department

I would like to establish a standard procedure of secure smart-contract development at ETC & CLO ecosystem. This standard procedure will necessarily include the audit of smart-contracts. Unfortunately, auditing can be quite expensive and some developers neglect it before launching their smart contracts.

Utilizing capabilities of Callisto network, we aim to establish a free-for-everyone system of smart-contract auditing.

  1. We will create a registry of audited smart-contracts. Every smart-contract that successfully passes the security audit will receive an officially audited status. Otherwise contract will remain non-audited by default.

  2. We allow everyone to submit auditing requests and this is completely free for smart-contract developers.

  3. We will have a full-time team of smart-contract auditors that will review each requested smart-contract. This takes time but it is better to wait rather than to launch a smart-contract with a critical vulnerability that will result in millions of dollars lost or stolen.

  4. Smart-contract auditors would be paid with CLO from the Callisto treasury.

  5. We will accept ETC and CLO smart-contract auditing requests for free. We aim to improve the security of ETC ecosystem at all.

This is even more important since we plan to implement Callisto core features with built-in Callisto capabilities i.e. smart-contract systems.

88Maxwell commented 6 years ago

Did i get Calisto, if my ETC at Bittrex or at other Exchange ?

rados-io commented 6 years ago

CLO will get credited to the holders of ETC. If your crypto is on the exchange, you do not hold any. You currently have 0 ETC. Bittrex and other exchanges own your ETC and they promise that when you ask them they will give it back to you.

So in short, @88Maxwell, you should ask the owners of your ETC (your exchanges) if they will give CLO to you as well.

Is7ak commented 6 years ago

how about web site?

Dexaran commented 6 years ago

@Is7ak We will create a landing page for Callisto before the launch. It is currently in progress.

Is7ak commented 6 years ago

good luck .... thanks

Zdrob commented 6 years ago

Ledger nano S is supporting this airdrop of ETC ?

hamzake commented 6 years ago

Will I have CLO if I have ETC on Binance ?

Dexaran commented 6 years ago

@Zdrob yes.

@hamzake It depends on Binance. I will recommend that you move your funds to MyEtherWallet or ClassicEtherWallet. You can also ask Binance directly because it depends on their team.

hamzake commented 6 years ago

@Dexaran Thanks for the quick answer. Sending ETC to MyEtherWallet public key (which is the same address I used to receive ETH) is ok ? I am quit confused that the keys are the same for "different" tokens.

Dexaran commented 6 years ago


Sending ETC to MyEtherWallet public key (which is the same address I used to receive ETH) is ok ?

Yes it is ok.

I am quit confused that the keys are the same for "different" tokens.

Technically ETC and ETH were the same chain. As the result, your account is valid on both chains (but it can have different balances on different chains technically). You can also use your ETH account on UBQ, EXP and Musicoin chains as well.

I wrote a user education article about this a bit earlier.

P.S. address is not a public key. Address is 20 bytes of hash of your public key. Read this for more info if necessary

hamzake commented 6 years ago

@Dexaran Thanks again !! So I can securely choose ETC( and send it to my ETH address ?

Dexaran commented 6 years ago

@hamzake Yes.

Zdrob commented 6 years ago

What about Ledger ? can we keep etc on Ledger during airdrop ?

Dexaran commented 6 years ago


What about Ledger ? can we keep etc on Ledger during airdrop ?


Alexakoz commented 6 years ago

When will fork be?

SGlobal commented 6 years ago

Can I send my ETC from (exchange) to MEW or CEW?

myXcoin commented 6 years ago

Does it mean if I buy ETC now (before March 5th) I would get CLO airdrop? BUT I must put those ETCs into one of the wallet mentioned in this link, is it correct? That means even though if I hold the ETC but still in exchange then I might not get any airdrop unless they will share it.

bradgriffin commented 6 years ago

Can you clarify how the treasury fee will work during the initial launch stage? Are you taking the 30% up front based on the total supply expected to be in circulation at 11/11 hardfork date? or are you allocating in some other manner?

sotirisapost commented 6 years ago

in which wallets we can claim callisto, and we have the opportunity to get the free coins?will you b4 march get ready a list with the wallets that support and 100 % give us the free coins? thank you

avatar-lavventura commented 6 years ago

In additon to @myXcoin 's comment, if I store my ETCs on Exodus Wallet ( would I still receive CLO?

bachvtuan commented 6 years ago

For every one hold 1 etc will get 1 CLO but CLO supply is up to 6.5Billion so that just worth about 0.1$ for every CLO ?

ivaf commented 6 years ago

Hello! Tell me, please, will I be able to mine Callisto? Based on the information available in the WP, I think that yes. After starting the mainnet. Am I right?

Tonio09 commented 6 years ago

Please, could you tell us if there is any exchage whitch is going to have CLO for the 5th of March which sends the CLOs for each ETC we have in it? or have we to have our ETCs in a wallet to receive the CLOs and this is the only one way to get them? Thank you.

fetis commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have Emerald Wallet in light mode on network. Does it support airdrop as well or I need to use recommended ClassicEtherWallet? Thank you.

github1kmit commented 6 years ago

What price in USD will be for 1 CLO?

polozhevets commented 6 years ago

@github1kmit equal for a ETC at the init

Sparke2 commented 6 years ago

Twitter request for $CLO support:

Retweet this to get CLO supported at ChangeNow, the first exchange that supports ADA and many new crypto.

rammex commented 6 years ago

Whether it will be necessary to transfer ETC from a trezor on mew?

sayadigroup commented 6 years ago

Hi guys.

Please be aware that the blocks moving faster than normal on ETC the airdrop is arround 2 mars and not 5 mars.

I just looked at we're at 5.4 million blocks. It looks like we're going to hit 5.5 million well before the anticipated/estimated target date. Am I off-base with this? I swear when I checked earlier this weekend (US holiday weekend) we were no where near 5.5 mil.

Hash rate is up too!

jeancruzado commented 6 years ago

Will bitrex support the airdrop?

iliki777 commented 6 years ago

Cool guys! ADA, Callisto.. crosschain - sidechain.. I'm waiting technology, when there will be chain and net superior then VISA, MC... and it will beter to use then SWIFT system. Only this way! all other ways -it,s shitcoin!!

Sniper2008009 commented 6 years ago

I have an ETC wallet with Exodus. Will Callisto support the Exodus Wallet? How do I claim the new tokens if my wallet does indeed get the airdrop. Sorry total newbie here.

useehowuseeit commented 6 years ago

Are any of the exchanges supporting this airdrop....? Bittrex? Binance?

sayadigroup commented 6 years ago

@Dexaran when callisto page will be available sir ?

You said last time that it will be available before the lunch @Dexaran <<< We will create a landing page for Callisto before the launch. It is currently in progress. >> Its important as we can see what exchanges support the airdrop sir.

Necr0n0m commented 6 years ago

@Dexaran, any news about exchanges, supporting CLO? Few day's to fork...

esquale commented 6 years ago

@Sniper2008009 , @avatar-lavventura :

I have an ETC wallet with Exodus. Will Callisto support the Exodus Wallet? How do I claim the new tokens if my wallet does indeed get the airdrop.

I'm Exodus user too, so several days ago I got an answer from Exodus support:

Callisto is currently not on our roadmap, but that doesn't mean it will not be added or supported in the future. At the moment, doing this in Exodus isn't supported. However, we may come up with a method within Exodus which will grant you your Callisto automatically in the future. Our number one priority is our user safety, and unfortunately supporting every fork and every airdrop makes our customers vulnerable, as well as could lead to confusion in terms of sending and receiving funds. If you are looking to take advantage of the CLO airdrop, my best advice would be to find a verified and supported wallet to send your Ethereum Classic to before the snapshot takes place. After the snapshot occurs, you can send your Ethereum Classic back to your Exodus wallet.

So this is exactly I gonna do))

vovan777555 commented 6 years ago

tell me how to get a calisto on LEDGER NANO S???

vovan777555 commented 6 years ago

if they have me there will lie I will get a colisto ??

omega32 commented 6 years ago

@avatar-lavventura @Sniper2008009 @esquale

I have an ETC wallet with Exodus. Will Callisto support the Exodus Wallet? How do I claim the new tokens if my wallet does indeed get the airdrop. Sorry total newbie here.

In Exodus, you can export the private key associated with your ETC wallet. To do that, you first need to show the hidden developer menu. In Exodus, press CTRL+SHIFT+D. That will show the menu.

Then, you access your private key in: Exodus > Developer > Assets > ETH Classic > Export Private Keys With your private key you can access the tokens yourself, outside of exodus, using a wallet of your choosing... but be careful

bornigan commented 6 years ago

How to get a CLO on jaxx if I have ETC there? Thx

esquale commented 6 years ago


In Exodus, you can export the private key associated with your ETC wallet.

Yes, it is, but I think it's too hard for a newbie to do that... It's better for those guys to transfer ETC to another wallet, still transaction payment is low, by the way


if they have me there will lie I will get a colisto ??

please explain what do you mean @vovan777555: tell me how to get a calisto on LEDGER NANO S???

LEDGER NANO is the key to your ClassicEtherWallet, so all your coins are on CEW now. The answer is: wait for the CLO airdrop, i.e. do nothing)

chiragbohet commented 6 years ago

This might be redundant but I need to be sure, MyEtherWallet is supporting the Callisto Airdrop right?

esquale commented 6 years ago


This might be redundant but I need to be sure, MyEtherWallet is supporting the Callisto Airdrop right?

technically it is, but there's an option... I didn't find any official comments for CLO support from MEW team. There's an article:, hope you'll find it helpful

vovan777555 commented 6 years ago

if I have coins on a cold purse I will get a fork?

sayadigroup commented 6 years ago

@Dexaran can you reply to us sir please ? If there is any issues with CLOP airdrop ? because no announce from any exchanges or thats very strange. There is still 5-6 days until the airdrop sir.

Dexaran commented 6 years ago
  1. Callisto is not a fork.

  2. Block 5500000 is the date of snapshot. Callisto Network mainnet will NOT be launched in 5-6 days. We are planning to establish testnet 2.0 before the final launch. Then you will receive CLO in 1:1 ratio to ETC you held at block 5500000.

  3. ChangeNow will support CLO. As for other exchanges, they require blockchain explorer, mainnet and landing page to list a new token. Remember that Coinbase lists BitcoinCash much later than it was launched (BitcoinCash was launched at 1 August, 2017 and it was listed at 19 December, 2017)

  4. ClassicEtherWallet will officially support Callisto. It is technically possible to make other wallets to support it but I'm not JAXX/Guarda/TrustWallet developer and I will recommend that you contact wallet developers. Again, ClassicEtherWallet is the only wallet that is officially supporting CLO.

  5. Landing page is in development.

  6. Blockchain explorer is in development.

  7. We are currently preparing the snapshot functionality and porting Parity. We are going to launch testnet2.0 that will contain snapshot balances at the genesis block.

avatar-lavventura commented 6 years ago

As I understand, if we can obtain the private key or Keystore File (UTC / JSON) from the wallet we are using such as Exodus (it provides option to obtain the private key for ETC); we can use it on the ClassicEtherWallet as well and access to the CLO that we gained. @Dexaran