EthereumCommonwealth / go-callisto

Official Go implementation of the Callisto protocol (CLO main client)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
48 stars 29 forks source link

How to install the test net? #3

Closed charlie-eth closed 5 years ago

charlie-eth commented 6 years ago

Instructions are empty:

Methw commented 6 years ago

@calbertuk wait until Testnet 3.0 ready. Genesis of Testnet 2.0 is too big, so it was not recomended. The wikis will be updated soon.

oliverw commented 6 years ago

@Methw Any update on on Testnet 3.0? The rust-callisto node for our test-pool is twiddling thumbs for weeks now, unable to connect to peers 😁

Methw commented 6 years ago

@oliverw Testnet 3.0 is live. Have you pull newest updates? please try to pass with --bootnodes options. use one of these node enode://afaf655fbc100fec62c292753b8d42eccc4fee246568171549fa97a32196f2419ab6afecc03f251cffdb736df69badd79b7cbaeacdc217d5b194027f6f616aad@ enode://a56ba92bf34da673dfaa756b58f497abc90b4bb1c1b29d5a0e4fb98a8a2f50c683aeb16464e60482478def72273faccc7a4f6093b598bee82a77a677c4550baa@ Let me know if you got any errors.

oliverw commented 6 years ago


I'm starting parity like this (systemd daemon):

/usr/local/daemons/parity-clo/target/release/parity --chain galilei --base-path "/data2/clod1" --mode "active" --no-ui --no-dapps --jsonrpc-interface "" --jsonrpc-threads 4 --no-discovery --allow-ips=public --jsonrpc-apis "eth,net,web3,personal,parity,parity_pubsub,rpc" --ipc-path "/data2/clod1/geth.ipc" --ipc-apis "eth,net,web3,personal,parity,parity_pubsub,rpc" --author 0x4d441a184ba7a22551292b8af3506956901a705e --cache-size 512 --logging "info" --log-file "/data2/clod1/debug.log" --jsonrpc-port 8547 --port 30305 --ws-port 18547 --ws-interface all --bootnodes=enode://afaf655fbc100fec62c292753b8d42eccc4fee246568171549fa97a32196f2419ab6afecc03f251cffdb736df69badd79b7cbaeacdc217d5b194027f6f616aad@,enode://a56ba92bf34da673dfaa756b58f497abc90b4bb1c1b29d5a0e4fb98a8a2f50c683aeb16464e60482478def72273faccc7a4f6093b598bee82a77a677c4550baa@

Not much is happening tho:

Mar 26 13:31:40 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:31:40 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:32:10 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:32:10 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:32:40 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:32:40 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:33:10 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:33:10 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:33:40 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:33:40 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:34:10 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:34:10 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:34:40 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:34:40 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:35:10 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:35:10 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:35:40 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:35:40 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:36:10 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:36:10 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs Mar 26 13:36:40 heimdall parity[27635]: 2018-03-26 13:36:40 0/25 peers 8 KiB chain 7 KiB db 0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync RPC: 0 conn, 0 req/s, 0 µs

Methw commented 6 years ago

@oliverw what parity version do you use?? Have you tried to delete your base path before hand??

oliverw commented 6 years ago

I'm using compiled from source (master branch):

version Parity/v1.11.0-unstable-6a61ca356-20180311/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc1.23.0

I think I did wipe the data folder, but I can try again.

Methw commented 6 years ago

@oliverw you could use my repo if you want to compile from the start. With CLO/1.0 branch.

git clone

If its not auto connect to peers, try wipe base path folder, and run with bootnodes option like above. The Blockexplorer in and use that rust-callisto version.

ggramal commented 6 years ago

Hello @Methw about geth :smiley: when i run

./geth --testnet  --verbosity 5 --port 32303

In the output i can see this

TRACE[03-26|22:32:55] Starting bonding ping/pong               id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 known=false failcount=0 age=422803h32m55.749550371s
TRACE[03-26|22:32:55] New dial task                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:32:55] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:32:55] >> PING/v4                               addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:32:56] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 failcount=1
TRACE[03-26|22:32:56] Dial task done                           task="discovery lookup (1 results)"
TRACE[03-26|22:32:56] New dial task                            task="dyndial 1e1d25d9eafd9231"
TRACE[03-26|22:32:56] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:32:56] New dial task                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:32:56] Dial error                               task="dyndial 1e1d25d9eafd9231" err="dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused"
TRACE[03-26|22:32:56] Dial task done                           task="dyndial 1e1d25d9eafd9231"
TRACE[03-26|22:32:56] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 failcount=2
TRACE[03-26|22:32:56] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:32:57] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 failcount=3
TRACE[03-26|22:32:57] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:32:57] >> PING/v4                               addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:32:57] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 failcount=4
TRACE[03-26|22:32:57] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
DEBUG[03-26|22:32:57] Removed dead node                        b=14 id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 ip=
TRACE[03-26|22:32:58] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 failcount=5
TRACE[03-26|22:32:58] Too many findnode failures, dropping     id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 failcount=5
TRACE[03-26|22:32:59] Starting bonding ping/pong               id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 known=false failcount=5 age=422803h32m59.753149319s
TRACE[03-26|22:32:59] >> PING/v4                               addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:33:00] Dial task done                           task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:33:00] New dial task                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:33:03] Starting bonding ping/pong               id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 known=false failcount=5 age=422803h33m3.7533419s
TRACE[03-26|22:33:03] >> PING/v4                               addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:33:04] Dial task done                           task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:33:04] New dial task                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:33:07] Starting bonding ping/pong               id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 known=false failcount=5 age=422803h33m7.75356824s
TRACE[03-26|22:33:07] >> PING/v4                               addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:33:08] Dial task done                           task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:33:08] New dial task                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:33:11] Starting bonding ping/pong               id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 known=false failcount=5 age=422803h33m11.754102232s
TRACE[03-26|22:33:11] >> PING/v4                               addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:33:12] Dial task done                           task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:33:12] New dial task                            task="discovery lookup"
DEBUG[03-26|22:33:13] Recalculated downloader QoS values       rtt=20s confidence=1.000 ttl=1m0s
TRACE[03-26|22:33:15] Starting bonding ping/pong               id=1e1d25d9eafd9231 known=false failcount=5 age=422803h33m15.753960197s

It seems that the node is inaccessible from the network. But thats not true because i can ping it

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=202 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=49 time=203 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=49 time=202 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=49 time=203 ms

When i execute this

./geth --testnet --bootnodes 'enode://afaf655fbc100fec62c292753b8d42eccc4fee246568171549fa97a32196f2419ab6afecc03f251cffdb736df69badd79b7cbaeacdc217d5b194027f6f616aad@' --verbosity 5 --port 32303

The output is different and looks like

RACE[03-26|22:52:48] Starting bonding ping/pong               id=afaf655fbc100fec known=false failcount=0 age=422803h52m48.993393558s
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] >> PING/v4                               addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] << PONG/v4                               addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=afaf655fbc100fec failcount=1
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] Dial task done                           task="discovery lookup (1 results)"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] New dial task                            task="dyndial afaf655fbc100fec"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] New dial task                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:49] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=afaf655fbc100fec failcount=2
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] Failed RLPx handshake                    addr= conn=dyndial err=EOF
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] Setting up connection failed             id=0000000000000000 err=EOF
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] Dial error                               task="dyndial afaf655fbc100fec" err=EOF
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] Dial task done                           task="dyndial afaf655fbc100fec"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=afaf655fbc100fec failcount=3
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:50] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:51] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=afaf655fbc100fec failcount=4
TRACE[03-26|22:52:51] >> FINDNODE/v4                           addr= err=nil
TRACE[03-26|22:52:51] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:51] << NEIGHBORS/v4                          addr= err="unsolicited reply"
TRACE[03-26|22:52:51] Bumping findnode failure counter         id=afaf655fbc100fec failcount=5
TRACE[03-26|22:52:51] Too many findnode failures, dropping     id=afaf655fbc100fec failcount=5
oliverw commented 6 years ago

@Methw No dice unfortunately. With and without bootnodes.

Methw commented 6 years ago

@ggramal @oliverw what are your geth versions? And what branch do you use?? Do we all using CLO/1.0 branch right?

And if you do, maybe try to disable firewall for a moment there.

oliverw commented 6 years ago

@Methw No geth here, parity on branch CLO/1.0.

Methw commented 6 years ago

@oliverw go-callisto is geth one. Rust callisto is parity one. The rust-callisto you used, have you tried with my repos and still got no peers?

Please use enode://02d6b42905339896bff753d944a7692ed489fd091d695eb7a76026590ba3fd46726bfb817df8687afce42c57af37ec7a62006235e2aae6e6bbcbea097521ac92@

I'm updating new node. cc @ggramal

ggramal commented 6 years ago


~/github/go-callisto$ git branch
* CLO/1.0


~/github/go-callisto/build/bin$ ./geth version
Version: 1.8.2-stable
Git Commit: 530d9b378cf524cd28dd4630e4d6e11c69dac92e
Architecture: amd64
Protocol Versions: [63 62]
Network Id: 1
Go Version: go1.9.4
Operating System: linux
oliverw commented 6 years ago

@Methw Yes, tried with your repo as well. No dice.

Methw commented 6 years ago

@ggramal for geth version, try to remove file in .callisto folder, located in ~/.callisto/ rm -rf ~/.callisto/

then try run this : ./geth --testnet --bootnodes enode://02d6b42905339896bff753d944a7692ed489fd091d695eb7a76026590ba3fd46726bfb817df8687afce42c57af37ec7a62006235e2aae6e6bbcbea097521ac92@

@oliverw Use my repo for rust-callisto, compile from fresh clone. Same as before, please try to remove Keys path, db path, path do dapps. Try with this options ./parity --chain=galilei --no-ui --no-ws --no-dapps --jsonrpc-apis safe --tracing=on --fat-db=on --pruning=archive --bootnodes enode://02d6b42905339896bff753d944a7692ed489fd091d695eb7a76026590ba3fd46726bfb817df8687afce42c57af37ec7a62006235e2aae6e6bbcbea097521ac92@,enode://1e1d25d9eafd92319ee85f502c2f5274a62029b3f9ec003cba259a600ae0def256a09ec505a569aabc4a447d2fd4df9c682243091730f83556693dab17206bd0@ --public-node --jsonrpc-cors '*' --jsonrpc-hosts all --jsonrpc-interface all

I was able to build and compile from new installation. already sync now.

Please join discord channel If you still have problems :

oliverw commented 6 years ago

@Methw Looks like it was not working because "--fat-db=on" was missing in my systemd script. Can you confirm that warp-sync does not work at the moment?

Methw commented 6 years ago

@oliverw I remove --fat-db option. parity --chain=galilei --no-ui --no-ws --no-dapps --jsonrpc-apis safe --bootnodes enode://02d6b42905339896bff753d944a7692ed489fd091d695eb7a76026590ba3fd46726bfb817df8687afce42c57af37ec7a62006235e2aae6e6bbcbea097521ac92@,enode://1e1d25d9eafd92319ee85f502c2f5274a62029b3f9ec003cba259a600ae0def256a09ec505a569aabc4a447d2fd4df9c682243091730f83556693dab17206bd0@ --public-node --jsonrpc-cors '*' --jsonrpc-hosts all --jsonrpc-interface all

I'm using this, still connect and sync. but, need to delete base path and all in ~/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/* folders first.

oliverw commented 6 years ago

@Methw You are right. The difference was the additional bootnodes in your example.

ggramal commented 6 years ago

@Methw yep your solution worked

So this worked for me on Ubuntu 16.04 with go1.9.4 installed

$ git clone -b CLO/1.0
$ cd go-callisto/
$ make geth
$ cd build/bin
$ rm -rf ~/.callisto/*
$ ./geth --testnet --bootnodes enode://02d6b42905339896bff753d944a7692ed489fd091d695eb7a76026590ba3fd46726bfb817df8687afce42c57af37ec7a62006235e2aae6e6bbcbea097521ac92@
oliverw commented 6 years ago

@Methw Our test-pool is now up:

Methw commented 6 years ago

@oliverw thanks mate. I'll share it in discord and tele group.

ggramal commented 6 years ago

@Methw One more question how do i compile it on windows 10 :grin:

ggramal commented 6 years ago

I have actually managed to get it working on Windows 10 like this 1) Install docker on Ubuntu 2) Clone the repository

$ git clone -b CLO/1.0

or update it with git pull

3) Run inside the repos folder

$ make geth-windows-amd64

4) Copy the resulting binary


to a windows Machine 5) Open powershell and run

PS C:\PATH\WHERE\YOU\COPIED\THE_BINARY>.\geth-windows-4.0-amd64.exe --testnet


Methw commented 6 years ago

@ggramal Nice, I make small bash script to automate that process. check This Script