Ethical-Mail / email

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Changing password can lock you out #8

Open mkllnk opened 3 years ago

mkllnk commented 3 years ago

When you change the password of your email account and don't update your phone or tables straight away, it will try to use the old password in the background and trigger the firewall to block all requests. In that situation, you can't even visit the website to reset your password. Digital Pacific blocks all requests.

mkllnk commented 3 years ago

I emailed DP support:

Dear support team,

A couple of years ago I got blocked by your firewall because my phone had an old password stored for my email account. When that happens, you can't access any of the Digital Pacific sites. You can't even change the password.

Several people I gave email accounts to experienced the same. You could say that it's the devices fault to retry that often. But I was also wondering if you could tweak your firewall. Is it possible to detect the case that the same password is tried again and again? Because that's not a threat to the service. Or can the allowed failed login rate be increased to align with typical email apps on phones? Or can the firewall block only the traffic to the email service?

Please let me know if you are working on a solution here. It seems to be a common problem.

Cheers, maikel

mkllnk commented 3 years ago


I am afraid as you're on shared hosting we cannot alter the firewall in any way as the will jeopardize the server's integrity. That being said if you wish for the firewall to be weakend please consider moving to a VPS. Our VPS prices can be found below.