EtienneCmb / visbrain

A multi-purpose GPU-accelerated open-source suite for brain data visualization
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topo code issue #24

Closed STREETKILLER007 closed 5 years ago

STREETKILLER007 commented 5 years ago

for the add_topoplot function,

according to example, is it possible to run this function by just passing in the argument into it ? t.add_topoplot(self, name, data, none, none, none, none, 'inferno', 3, 'cartesian', 'degree', None, 'black', 5, 'black', 2, 2., (0., 0., 0.), 'white', 'disc', 'black', 'white', True, None, 4., None, 'white', 'viridis', None, None, 'gray', None, 'red', 0, 0, 1, 1, .05):

EtienneCmb commented 5 years ago thinks a possibly related issue is (Topo Error).

STREETKILLER007 commented 5 years ago

ok, it is not possible to run this function by just passing in the argument into it, just like this

t.add_topoplot(self, name, data, none, none, none, none, 'inferno', 3, 'cartesian', 'degree', None, 'black', 5, 'black', 2, 2., (0., 0., 0.), 'white', 'disc', 'black', 'white', True, None, 4., None, 'white', 'viridis', None, None, 'gray', None, 'red', 0, 0, 1, 1, .05):

it will display this error.

(py36) C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>python
  File "", line 14
    t.add_topoplot(self, name, data, none, none, none, none, 'inferno', 3, 'cart
esian', 'degree', None, 'black', 5, 'black', 2, 2., (0., 0., 0.), 'white', 'disc
', 'black', 'white', True, None, 4., None, 'white', 'viridis', None, None, 'gray
', None, 'red', 0, 0, 1, 1, .05):

SyntaxError: invalid syntax