EtienneCmb / visbrain

A multi-purpose GPU-accelerated open-source suite for brain data visualization
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Allow user-defined specification of vigilance states #87

Open TomBugnon opened 3 years ago

TomBugnon commented 3 years ago

Hi all (@EtienneCmb, @raphaelvallat, and people following : @paulbrodersen, @grahamfindlay , @dougollerenshaw )

I finally implemented the long-awaited specification of arbitrary vigilance states from a (yaml) config file, which will I think will be quite useful to a lot of animal (and epilepsy) people.

How to use:

Run the exemple file at visbrain/examples/gui_sleep/ , or:

  1. Create a yaml file formatted as follows:
  state_1:  # Label of vigilance state
    value: 1  # Associated value on 'point-per-second'-style hypnogram. Mandatory key
    shortcut: 1  # Must require a single key-press. Mandatory key
    display_order: 1  # Position on GUI. Mandatory key
    color: 'red'  # matplotlib color, hexadecimal color or tuple of RGB. default is "black"
  state_2:   # Must be unique
    value: 2  # Must be unique
    shortcut: 2  # Must be unique
    display_order: 2.0  # Must be unique
    # color: 'black'  # 'black' if key is missing
    value: 42
    shortcut: w
    display_order: 1.00005  # It's not the value but the rank across states that matters. 
    color: '#56bf8b'

(Note that the keys listed in the Shortcuts section are reserved and can't be used as shortcuts for scoring.)

  1. Specify the path to you vigilance states configuration file when creating a Sleep instance with the states_config_file kwarg as follows:
from visbrain.gui import Sleep


If not specified, Sleep uses the default (previously hardcoded) states, values, shortcuts and colors.

Here's an example with extra states:


Implementation and testing

Changes in usage

All other functionalities should work similarly but let me know if I missed anything


This is quite a big PR so thank you in advance for your time testing or reviewing this ! Looking forward to hearing your feedback Cheers, Tom

grahamfindlay commented 3 years ago

Just scored a couple files using this. Fantastic! Works really well and makes my life much easier. Some nice bonuses:

Thanks very much, Tom. And thanks for fixing #77 too.

raphaelvallat commented 3 years ago

Hi @TomBugnon,

This is really amazing. Thank you so much for all your hard work. As of now, Visbrain won't even launch on my Mac so I unfortunately cannot try the PR. But I trust that you've done a great job and I'm all in for merging this one and and then releasing a new version. The issue is that I don't have admin rights for this repo so I cannot merge the PR, and I don't know if @EtienneCmb still has time to work on Visbrain at all these days. I will drop him an email if he doesn't reply within the next week.

A few comments on the PR:

  1. Why choose the YAML format to store the vigilance state instead of a JSON or txt file?
  2. No worries for the HypnogramObj, I think we're never using it anyway (and should probably delete it)

Thanks again, Raphael

TomBugnon commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @raphaelvallat and @grahamfindlay !

  1. Yaml is a personal preference for user-created config files. I find it easiest to write and more readable than json (which requires more lines and has some unintuitive requirements such as this and txt files (which don't support syntax highlighting and are unnatural to represent dictionaries). I don't mind switching to another format if you think this is not worth the extra dependency

I agree this and the previous "scoring window" PR are probably worth a release Just so you know, we are heavily using Sleep in our lab and I am basically tasked with making it our dream software for scoring so there's probably a couple more PRs upcoming:


raphaelvallat commented 3 years ago

Sounds good for the YAML format. And thanks for the other PRs too, I will look at that now.

Unrelated, but since you're kind of the core maintainer of Sleep right now, I almost wonder if you should create an official Sleep fork? 1) You'd be able to push changes much faster, and 2) you could even remove the other modules of Visbrain to only keep a "lightweight" version with only Sleep... Curious to hear others' opinions on the above.

paulbrodersen commented 3 years ago

Curious to hear others' opinions on the above.

Other than having write access, is there a compelling reason for the fork? Forking from popular projects costs a lot of visibility and discoverability, and you loose the few helpful eyes that you have. Why not just give him write access to the repository?

TomBugnon commented 3 years ago

One sensible reason I can think of would be if Raphael and Etienne decide that they would rather maintain the original scope of Sleep (human scoring), for which the software was already doing a pretty good job, rather than extend and complexify the project to account for the needs of animal people. In that case it would make sense to have some sort of official fork dedicated to animal scoring with a different set of features (and possibly a focus on speed). I don't have a definite opinion about this at the moment.

EtienneCmb commented 3 years ago

Hi @TomBugnon,

This is a fantastic work, the code is really clean and there are already feedback of peoples that find it very useful. You really did a great job and I suppose that it was not always easy to overcome the verbosity of the code imposed by PyQt and Vispy.

I'm fine with the yml config files, its clear to read and also agree that the syntax highlighting make it nice, and I guess there are many ways to easily convert json to yml.

About your PR, I confess that I'm not really maintaining visbrain anymore, because I don't have the time for it. Therefore, I agree with Raphael that you should not be limited by our lack of investment. The big question is how to transfer the project. I understand the point of Raph. Visbrain also includes many other visualization modules. At the beginning, it was really useful as it also attracted people from the EEG/MEG/intracranial community with 3D plotting requirements. That said, it's also much harder to maintain.

As Paul said, there's a small growing community behind Visbrain (and Sleep) that you can potentially lose when starting from a fresh repo. At the same time, if you start from a fresh fork, you can also drastically simplify visbrain to have only the Sleep module and therefore, seasier maintenance. I don't have a solution for now but I'm totally open to any suggestion.

Probably the best solution (for now) is, as @paulbrodersen said, to give to @TomBugnon the write access (a second person would be great). What do you think @TomBugnon ? and @raphaelvallat ?

raphaelvallat commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

I agree that the best solution for the near future is to give @TomBugnon writing access! As Etienne said, the obvious advantage I see of creating a separate "fork" could be to keep only the Sleep module, which would facilitate maintenance. And from there one could potentially have two branches: one for human sleep scoring, the second for animal sleep. But just to be clear I don't think this is a perfect solution either, as it will undoubtedly be confusing for the users. For now, keeping everything in the official Visbrain repo and giving Tom writing access (+ adding him to the list of core contributors) is probably the best solution 👍

TomBugnon commented 3 years ago

Hi all, I'm fine with being given write access :) I don't know the other GUIs of visbrain and I'm not very comfortable with vispy/pyqt (atm) so it would be good to have more maintainers