EtienneCmb / visbrain

A multi-purpose GPU-accelerated open-source suite for brain data visualization
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Using Macaque and its ROI #96

Closed ZhengL97 closed 3 years ago

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am trying to plot macaque's brain and its ROI with the data from [here].( Also, the brain atlas exists in this example. This is my outcome. image The atlas is registered to F99, is this may be the cause of it?

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

Also, I've got some spiking data of some regions of the macaque brain, is it possible if I want to draw the activation of the ROI through time bynamically? Like an animation.

EtienneCmb commented 3 years ago

Hi @ZhengL97 , maybe you could checkout #95 to see if it helps

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for the response. Apart from the questions above, I' ve got this now. 图片 This is volumetric, what should I do if I only want the surface is colored, like this 图片 This is parcellation, but I want it only colored the roi I chosen. Is this available in visbrain?

EtienneCmb commented 3 years ago

Do you mean following the color scheme of the parcellation and setting one color per roi?

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

I mean choosing some specific regions to show colors, and the others stay white, but on the surface.

EtienneCmb commented 3 years ago

Did you checked this example?

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

Like the brain is not translucent, and show the colored ROI on the surface.

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

Oh, yes, but I cannot do this without the .annot file, right? For i just have the label and nii.gz file

EtienneCmb commented 3 years ago

Ah yes, true. Maybe you could try to create your .annot :

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your help!

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

Hi, sorry for bothering again. I was trying to create my own .annot file, what I have is a .x3d, a .nii.gz, and a json contains all the label and its color, the link is As to the to create the .annot file, I've already have ctab and names. But how to set the variable labels, which means Annotation id at each vertex. How do I get this information? Thanks

EtienneCmb commented 3 years ago

Hi @ZhengL97 , if I understand correctly, the names should be the name of the brain region associated to each color in the ctab. You don't have the name of your brain regions?

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

I have names and ctab what I don't have is the Annotation id at each vertex, aka the variable labels

EtienneCmb commented 3 years ago

Ok. The labels should be an array of shape(n_vertices,) composed of integers where each digit specify the brain region the vertex belongs to. For example :

Labels     Names 
--------  ----------
0          Insula
0          Insula
0          Insula
1          VCcm
1          VCcm
1          VCcm
[continue for all vertices]

However, I don't know where you can find those informations since I don't know the parcellation your're using.

EtienneCmb commented 3 years ago

Wait, I've a suggestion, if you have the names associated to each vertex, then labels = np.unique(names, return_inverse=True)[1]?

ZhengL97 commented 3 years ago

The information I have is from, it's a macaque brain propoesd in 1991. The file we can get is T1(.nii.gz), a, and a x3d file. It seems no information of the names associated to each vertex. I'll try to find it maybe somewhere in the Internet, but I am not confident aboout that.