EtonDigital / EDBlogBundle

EDBlogBundle is extensive and user friendly blog bundle for Symfony2. It provides a lot of interesting features that makes a serious bloging platform from your Symfony2 application. It is very intuitive and flexible, you can easily fit it to your own needs.
MIT License
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Admin area credentials for demo #22

Closed zoka123 closed 8 years ago

zoka123 commented 8 years ago


I've tried to log in admin area but I can't find admin credentials?

Am I missing something or they aren't provided.

Great job, I need to check it out and I believe we'll adopt it as solution and contribute to further development.

vmladenovic commented 8 years ago

Hi zoka123,

To be able to access admin area you should be registered as admin on following link:

Thank you for using EDBlogBundle
