Etuldan / spaRSS

Based on Flym and Sparse RSS, this checks RSS/Atom news feeds, polling for updates from the device on a regular basis. Fetched items are available for offline reading.
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Preload the feeds in the app #251

Closed suds7 closed 7 years ago

suds7 commented 7 years ago

How to preload the feeds in the app

Etuldan commented 7 years ago

What do you mean by preload ? spaRSS should preload every feed entry if you have an internet connection, check in the spaRSS options.

suds7 commented 7 years ago

For example when someone install the apk i want them to see the feed of my blog by default. I'm not sure where i need to add the feed so that when app will start. It will load the feed of my blog.

suds7 commented 7 years ago

This is related to issue#203. Closing this issue.