Etuldan / spaRSS

Based on Flym and Sparse RSS, this checks RSS/Atom news feeds, polling for updates from the device on a regular basis. Fetched items are available for offline reading.
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render description/summary in addition to content #262

Open ilf opened 7 years ago

ilf commented 7 years ago

With feeds that have both <description> and <content> (RSS2) or <summary> and <content> (Atom) for each <item>/<entry>, only the <content> is rendered, not the <description> or <summary>. As they are mostly abstracts from stories, they are really valuable for readers and should be rendered too, IMHO.

c4eater commented 5 years ago

I double that. One good example is Commitstrip RSS (a well-known comic strip on IT). SpaRSS cannot display the actual comic strip because of this exact issue.

ChrisPHL commented 5 years ago

I'd like to see that feature, too. Maybe an additional option for each feed would be suitable to let the user select whether to show <description> in front of <content>. My usecase is Zeit Online news feed at Everytime my feed loads new headlines I can see description including a teaser image which I would like to show when displaying full content also.

kind regards Christian