Etuldan / spaRSS

Based on Flym and Sparse RSS, this checks RSS/Atom news feeds, polling for updates from the device on a regular basis. Fetched items are available for offline reading.
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different refresh notification for full content #273

Open ilf opened 6 years ago

ilf commented 6 years ago

Currently, the refresh notification seems to be displayed, wenn feeds are refreshed - and not when show full content is refreshed. So sometimes it happens that I (re-)open spaRSS and tap "refresh", but it seems to do nothing until after a while, sometimes minutes. I suspect sometimes it (returns) downlading full content of existing entries.

If this is so, maybe this could be enhanced by adding a second notification for loading full contents of feeds? Maybe a different color?

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

ildar commented 6 years ago

The app is full of race conditions which crash the app and aren't fixed by anyone. So your little issue.. I don't know who'll pick it up. /me just a user.