Etuldan / spaRSS

Based on Flym and Sparse RSS, this checks RSS/Atom news feeds, polling for updates from the device on a regular basis. Fetched items are available for offline reading.
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[Feature Request] News Feed From DuckDuckGo, Qwant And Startpage #290

Open trymeouteh opened 5 years ago

trymeouteh commented 5 years ago

spaRSS gets its news feed for generic terms such as "Top Stories", "World", etc from Google. Please add an option to instead grab this feed from DuckDuckGo or Startpage. DuckDuckGo, Qwant and Startpage are privacy based search engines. I do know that Startpage grabs it search results from Google. I know DuckDuckGo does not use censor any results and neutral and unbiased.

By adding this option will make more people who are trying to degoogle their apps be more in favor of using spaRSS . spaRSS is on F-Driod which is good news for those who want a open source news app without going through Google Play.