Like discordSRV that have the feature that requires a linked discord account to play on the server, it would be great to add it to MagiBridge/MBDiscordLink
the feature is when an un-linked account try to login into the Minecraft server, the player is auto-kick from the server, and in the kick message it writes the "Not linked message" or if the server doesn't successfully connect to the discord server it writes the "~DiscordSRV~ still starting" or "Failed for unknown reason" or even if he don't have any/all discord roles on the discord server
Additionally, when someone is unlinking there account to the server it's auto-kick them and write in the kick message the "Kicked for unlinking".
for example parts from the config from discordSRV linking.yml:
Require linked account to play:
Enabled: true
# Message to kick players with telling them to link their accounts
Not linked message: "&7You must link your &9Discord &7account to play.\n\n&7Send a DM to &b{BOT}&7 in the Discord server containing just &b{CODE}&7 to link your account.\n\n&7Discord Invite » &b{INVITE}"
# If enabled, players will not only need to have their accounts linked but will also be required
# to be a member of a Discord server that the bot is also in.
Must be in Discord server: true
# Optionally require people to not only be linked but also to have one of or all specified roles like a Twitch sub role
Subscriber role:
Require subscriber role to join: false
Subscriber roles: ["00000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "00000000000000000"]
Require all of the listed roles: false # when false, only one of the above roles is required
Kick message: "&cYou must be subscribed on Twitch to be able to play."
Also, discordSRV has this synchronization that if when a player gets banned on the Discord server when they have a linked Discord account, I can optionally ban them on the Minecraft server and vice versa.
for example part of the config from discordSRV synchronization.yml:
# Ban synchronization
# When a player gets banned on the server when they have a linked Discord account you can optionally ban them on the Discord server and vice versa
BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraft: true
BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraftReason: "&cYou have been banned until further notice from the server because you were banned on our Discord server."
BanSynchronizationMinecraftToDiscord: false
Like discordSRV that have the feature that requires a linked discord account to play on the server, it would be great to add it to MagiBridge/MBDiscordLink the feature is when an un-linked account try to login into the Minecraft server, the player is auto-kick from the server, and in the kick message it writes the "Not linked message" or if the server doesn't successfully connect to the discord server it writes the "~DiscordSRV~ still starting" or "Failed for unknown reason" or even if he don't have any/all discord roles on the discord server Additionally, when someone is unlinking there account to the server it's auto-kick them and write in the kick message the "Kicked for unlinking". for example parts from the config from discordSRV linking.yml:
Also, discordSRV has this synchronization that if when a player gets banned on the Discord server when they have a linked Discord account, I can optionally ban them on the Minecraft server and vice versa.
for example part of the config from discordSRV synchronization.yml: