Only happens with lone @ symbols, so "@ hello" or "hello @ world" would throw this error and not be posted, but "@@@" would be posted. Messages are always posted in the console, this issue is solely with main chat. The issue appears to be that MagiBridge is trying to convert text following the @ symbol into a Discord mention. This could cause problems if someone types something like "I'm @ my base" as shorthand, or if someone just wants to use the symbol so someone on Discord doesn't see the message.
Console error:
Only happens with lone @ symbols, so "@ hello" or "hello @ world" would throw this error and not be posted, but "@@@" would be posted. Messages are always posted in the console, this issue is solely with main chat. The issue appears to be that MagiBridge is trying to convert text following the @ symbol into a Discord mention. This could cause problems if someone types something like "I'm @ my base" as shorthand, or if someone just wants to use the symbol so someone on Discord doesn't see the message.