EugTech / Open-Eugene

The Open Eugene Festival
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Website overhaul #42

Open mckelveygreg opened 5 years ago

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

Site TODO:

sdudenhofer commented 5 years ago

I'd be willing to assist with this...

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

@sdudenhofer Do you have any opinion of what framework to use? Continue with Jekyll, etc?

sdudenhofer commented 5 years ago

I'd personally lean towards a python framework....but I'm betting most people don't have much experience with that. But, I'm open to anything....If I don't know it I can learn....

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

I was planning on using the website as a guide. They used react if your down with that. Are you familiar with Create-React-App or Gatsby?

sdudenhofer commented 5 years ago

I have messed with them before a little bit. I have wanted to find a project to dive into it more, so this would be the perfect opportunity

markdav-is commented 5 years ago

we are currently hosting on github pages so whatever is supported by that would be nice. I'm not opposed to hosting elsewhere, but it would be nice to have it as shareable and portable as possible.

sdudenhofer commented 5 years ago

We should also take a look at accessibility of the webpage, while we look at rebuilding it

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

So, I made a branch and setup a skeleton site using Gatsby. It's a React framework that has similar boilerplate to Create-react-app, but bent more towards static, fast sites. I'm thinking of just following their design guide on their tutorial:

So far, Gatsby makes routing really easy. The css approach is interesting, but I think by following the tutorials it shouldn't be too bad. I updated the readme for this branch with an install blurb to get up and running.

Gatsby spits out a static build that github-pages will host if it is in the appropriate location.

As for accessibility, Gatsby takes care of some of that for us when they make a production build, but I don't know how to grade its effectiveness.

Do we still want to go this direction for the site?

sdudenhofer commented 5 years ago

Sounds good to me...

sdudenhofer commented 5 years ago

@mckelveygreg did you just use the gatsby skeleton site? Do you want to create a repo somewhere and we just split the pages or how do you want to do this? I got the gatsby skeleton running and messed around with it. Seems pretty straight forward...

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

Did you see the branch I created? I made a handful of placeholder pages to test.

Which do you think would work better: to do a fresh repo or to work off branches with this one?

To make it, we could split up the components. Dropping content in would then be pretty easy. So like:

sdudenhofer commented 5 years ago

It might be better right now to do a new repo just so there is a clear delineation from live and dev. We will probably want a location that other leaders can check it out and give us feedback as it is moving towards launch. I will probably have some time tonight or over the weekend if you wanted to get together and talk about it...or whenever the next IRL meeting is.

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

Yeah, that seems like a good idea. I'm busy tonight, but free tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday? Lets see when the IRL meeting is, too...

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

@nohorse Can you make a new repo for the website?

markdav-is commented 5 years ago

new repo with you both as admins:

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

@nohorse Can we move the gatsby branch over, as well?

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

I got things moved over, not sure if I did it right, but the commits carried over. Also, github pages is up and running as we change things. Instructions are in the readme.

sdudenhofer commented 5 years ago

first it might be helpful to get a bit of wireframe/mockup built. Also do we want to stay with the purple or do we want another color scheme - if so what? How do we want the menus structured(buttons or just words)? Do we want the festival logo or just the words open eugene festival? Do we have images that we can use on the new site? (perhaps from previous gatherings?) Do we want some sponsors on the front page and then all on the sponsor page? Do we have time to do all of this????

mckelveygreg commented 5 years ago

We were thinking of following the site? Is there a designer to help with a mockup? The purple is just the Gatsby default, so that should probably change. The menu items could be better styled words, like the mozilla site. I just rediscovered the logo, I think it should go in the header.

I have time to put things together, however I'm very unsure about style and content... Will Mondays meeting clear up some of this? Should we start making issues on the new repo?

Thanks so much for bringing up all those things!

sdudenhofer commented 5 years ago

I just opened a bunch of issues. To help with some of this. I can probably work out some sort of a rough mockup, if there are no designers???

markdav-is commented 5 years ago

we are chatting with a designer and should have some color and graphics decisions soon!

ascasson commented 5 years ago

I love Gatsby. They also have a killer deployment integration with Netlify - highly recommend.