EugenMayer / docker-sync

Run your application at full speed while syncing your code for development, finally empowering you to utilize docker for development under OSX/Windows/*Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crashes after first synchronisation #420

Closed magary4 closed 7 years ago

magary4 commented 7 years ago

Error/Feature Requestion/Docs

I have been using docker-sync on my Mac for half year, but I have got problems yesterday: It crashes after first synchronisation

Error: Running Homebrew as root is extremely dangerous and no longer supported. As Homebrew does not drop privileges on installation you would be giving all build scripts full access to your system. warning Could not find unison-fsmonitor (unox) binary in $PATH. Trying to install now command brew tap eugenmayer/dockersync && brew install eugenmayer/dockersync/unox I will install unox through brew for you?

also in log file:

"command  ulimit -n 100000 && unison -ignore='Name vendor' -ignore='Name .idea' -ignore='Name .DS_Store' -ignore='Name .git' -ignore='Name app/cache/*' -ignore='Name app/logs/*' -ignore='Name node_modules/*' -ignore='Name doc/bc' -ignore='Name doc/changelog' -ignore='Name doc/doxygen' -ignore='Name doc/examples' -ignore='Name doc/ezplatform' -ignore='Name doc/features' -ignore='Name doc/shop' -ignore='Name doc/specifications' -ignore='Name doc/branch-overview' -ignore='Name doc/INSTALL' -ignore='Name doc/relase-overview' -ignore='Name provisioning' -ignore='Name docker' '/Users/anuk/www/130-endress' -auto -batch -prefer '/Users/anuk/www/130-endress' -copyonconflict -ignore='BelowPath .git' -prefer newer socket:// -repeat watch
sh: line 0: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument"

I have tried to run brew tap eugenmayer/dockersync && brew install eugenmayer/dockersync/unox and a lot another variants to install and to solve the problem

I have also updated brew and upgraded brew and gems, I have tried to uninstall docker-sync and install it again,

Docker Driver


Sync strategy

native_osx, unison

your docker-sync.yml

version: "2"

    verbose: true

        src: '.'
        sync_strategy: 'unison'
        notify_terminal: true
            - '.idea'
            - '.DS_Store'
            - '.git'
            - 'app/cache/*'
            - 'app/logs/*'
            - 'node_modules/*'
            - 'doc/bc'
            - 'doc/changelog'
            - 'doc/doxygen'
            - 'doc/examples'
            - 'doc/ezplatform'
            - 'doc/features'
            - 'doc/shop'
            - 'doc/specifications'
            - 'doc/branch-overview'
            - 'doc/INSTALL'
            - 'doc/relase-overview'
            - 'provisioning'
            - 'docker'
            - "-ignore='BelowPath .git'"
            - "-prefer newer"
        max_inotify_watches: 100000


OSX 10.11.6

I have run it in loop now via bash-script each 10 seconds to have posibilities to work, please help me to find the problem

EugenMayer commented 7 years ago

well unox nowdays uses watchdog, not fswatch, in some cases, this seems to lead not better, rather worse results - probably as in your case.

You might consider migrating to native_osx since i will not put any time in debuggin fswatch/macfsevents issues cause by the low level implementations. That is just waste of time and does not scale anyway.

So if unox+watchdog does not work for you use case, you should (that or this way) migrate to native_osx

magary4 commented 7 years ago

As I have wrote in description, I have tried both strategies. In unison-mode file .pid appears and disappears when i open site first time In native_osx-mode file .pid even not appears This is terminal-log:

Digest: sha256:ecf4184fc985e0f2fa6a0bfabcc5dd78008785dc5b04eca68fe5987e9d8796db Status: Downloaded newer image for eugenmayer/unison:hostsync ok starting initial sync of end-docker-sync success Sync container started

Despite of sync_strategy: native_osx

magary4 commented 7 years ago

Also I cannot work with my other projects anymore That is the output from another project

ok Starting native_osx ok pf-docker-sync container not running ok creating pf-docker-sync container command docker run -v pf-docker-sync:/app_sync -v /Users/anuk/www/pfleiderer:/host_sync -e VOLUME=/sync -e TZ=${TZ-readlink /etc/localtime | sed -e 's,/usr/share/zoneinfo/,,'} -e UNISON_EXCLUDES="" -e UNISON_SYNC_PREFER="-prefer /host_sync" -e MAX_INOTIFY_WATCHES="100000" --privileged --name pf-docker-sync -d eugenmayer/unison:hostsync ok starting initial sync of pf-docker-sync

but even file *.pid is not appears

EugenMayer commented 7 years ago

you are the only person right now with such an issue, so i recommend looking for a local configuration issue. Be it some pid leftovers, maybe a restart, try to restart the docker engine and then run docker system prune and try to run docker-sync again

EugenMayer commented 7 years ago

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