Eugeny / ajenti-v

Virtual Hosting addon for Ajenti
MIT License
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Websites->FTP->Apply overrides manual changes e.g. disk quota #227

Open davidoster opened 8 years ago

davidoster commented 8 years ago

Recently I wanted to apply a disk quota to an ftp user created via the website plugin. Via command I issued : pure-pw usermod ftpname -N1000 -m (on user ftpname post a disk quota of 1GB) Of course everything was ok up to the point where I made a new apply changes. Everything that has to do with manual changes is overwritten EVEN if you apply changes for an other user!!!

This is a serious defect. And even if create a new user by hand this is deleted on the next apply changes. (For this I found a workaround to make a new website with no real website an just have the FTP user!!!. But if you have loads of sites...)

Please advice for a possible solution. I am using all the latest versions.

janxb commented 8 years ago

For creating additional ftp users, my script has a working solution.

You have to edit the user details in there and reference it in your website config under "processes".

Maybe you can put your quota command in there, too..