Eugeny / tabby

A terminal for a more modern age
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Cannot use any snap package #9693

Open Hasan-aga opened 3 weeks ago

Hasan-aga commented 3 weeks ago

Description: When using tabby, all snap packages fail to run despite having the snap directory on the PATH variable. Other terminals on my system can run the snap packages as usual.

Note: I installed Tabby as an Appimage on my Ubuntu 24.04 LTS x86_64 machine.

Example: I try to run code . to launch a vscode instance but instead I get:

 code .
error: unknown command ".", see 'snap help'.

Another example, I have aliased ls to lsd which is a snap package, when i run ls on tabby I get:

> ls
The snap command lets you install, configure, refresh and remove snaps.
Snaps are packages that work across many different Linux distributions,
enabling secure delivery and operation of the latest apps and utilities.

Usage: snap <command> [<options>...]

Commonly used commands can be classified as follows:

           Basics: find, info, install, remove, list
          ...more: refresh, revert, switch, disable, enable, create-cohort
          History: changes, tasks, abort, watch
          Daemons: services, start, stop, restart, logs
      Permissions: connections, interface, connect, disconnect
    Configuration: get, set, unset, wait
      App Aliases: alias, aliases, unalias, prefer
          Account: login, logout, whoami
        Snapshots: saved, save, check-snapshot, restore, forget
           Device: model, remodel, reboot, recovery
     Quota Groups: set-quota, remove-quota, quotas, quota
  Validation Sets: validate
        ... Other: warnings, okay, known, ack, version
      Development: validate

For more information about a command, run 'snap help <command>'.
For a short summary of all commands, run 'snap help --all'.

when I run which ls zsh can see that it is an alias to lsd, when I run which lsd it points to the correct location of the package.

To Reproduce:

  1. Install Tabby as an Applmage
  2. Attempt using a snap package