Eun / MoveToDesktop

Move windows using hotkeys or the system menu
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Ability to specify the desktop the window is being moved to #25

Closed Rudedog9d closed 7 years ago

Rudedog9d commented 7 years ago

Feature request (Sorry, don't know how to tag it as such!): On my XFCE system, I use Super+F{n} (Super is Windows key for those that don't know!) to switch desktop n - that is I Super+F1 for desktop 1, Super+F2 for desktop 2...

I use Super+1, Super+2 ect. to send a window to that desktop - any way you could implement something similiar? I really like being able to tell it what window to go to. I'll look into doing something like that myself, but my C isn't so good :)


Eun commented 7 years ago