Eun / MoveToDesktop

Move windows using hotkeys or the system menu
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[Feature Request] Animation with SwitchDesktopAfterMove enabled #34

Open wesv opened 7 years ago

wesv commented 7 years ago

Would it be possible to animate the movement of windows between desktops when the SwitchDesktopAfterMove flag is enabled? It is fluff, and isn't entirely necessary, but would be aesthetically pleasing to have the background change like Windows does when you change desktops.

Eun commented 7 years ago

Would be nice, not sure if doable.

mzomparelli commented 6 years ago

You'll notice that only when you use the built-in move next and back hotkeys that you get the animation. Even Microsoft didn't do the animations when you jump multiple desktops. There is no animation when you use TaskView to switch. IMHO, I think the animation is too slow thus wasting time. It adds up.