Eun / MoveToDesktop

Move windows using hotkeys or the system menu
1.05k stars 110 forks source link

Automation using Commandline #36

Open Eun opened 7 years ago

Eun commented 7 years ago

Create a new Desktop

MoveToDesktop --create-desktop

Switch the Desktop to 2

MoveToDesktop --switch-desktop 2

List Desktops

MoveToDesktop --list-desktops

Remove Desktop 2

MoveToDesktop --remove-desktop 2

Remove empty Desktops

MoveToDesktop --remove-empty-desktops

Launch SomeProgram.exe and move it to the new Desktop

MoveToDesktop --create-desktop --app "C:\SomeProgram.exe"

Launch SomeProgram.exe, move it to the new Desktop and switch desktop

MoveToDesktop --create-desktop --switch-desktop --app "C:\SomeProgram.exe"

Launch SomeProgram.exe and move it to 2

MoveToDesktop --move-to-desktop 2 --app "C:\SomeProgram.exe"

Launch SomeProgram.exe, move it to 2 and switch desktop

MoveToDesktop --move-to-desktop 2 --switch-desktop --app "C:\SomeProgram.exe"

Move the window with the hwd 123456 to desktop 2

MoveToDesktop --move-to-desktop 2 --hwnd 123456

Move the Window with the hwd 123456 to desktop 2 and switch desktop

MoveToDesktop --move-to-desktop 2 --switch-desktop --hwnd 123456
Elijas commented 5 years ago

Any progress? I am looking forward to the --move-to-desktop. It just outputs "Already running" error